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Example sentences for "deteined"

Lexicographically close words:
detective; detectives; detector; detectors; detects; detent; detention; detentions; deter; detergent
  1. In the meane while, the French king being aduertised that king Richard was deteined as prisoner reioised not a little thereat, and with all speed by secret messages did send for his brother earle John, who was readie to come at his call.

  2. Haraldus the son of Godred Don being summoned by letters went vnto the king of Norway who deteined him in prison because he had vniustly possessed the kingdome.

  3. These deteined the French King in some tariance in France, whilest the King of England either recouered or reuenged his losses against the Earle of Aniou.

  4. Sidenote: The vicar generall of the archbishoprike of Rone for denouncing the king accursed was deliured to him and deteined in prison til he died.

  5. England, and to hazard his right by dent of sword, which was thus by plaine iniurie most wickedlie deteined from him.

  6. This yeare, shortlie after Easter, the duke of Britaine, that had beene deteined prisoner by the French king, and escaped out of prison, came ouer into England.

  7. In whose custodie he was deteined during the time aboue mentioned, a yeere and 3.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deteined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.