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Example sentences for "different temperatures"

  • Table 22 gives the heat units contained in water above 32 degrees Fahrenheit at different temperatures.

  • Table 29 gives the amount of vapor required to saturate air at different temperatures, its weight, expansive force, etc.

  • In consequence of this variation in specific heat, the variation in the heat of the liquid of the water at different temperatures is not a constant.

  • Carnot points out that, in order for work to be done, we must have a source and a condenser, that is, two bodies at different temperatures, a hot body and a cold one.

  • So that wherever we have two bodies at different temperatures, according to the second law of thermodynamics, there we have the power of doing work by the transmission of heat, from the body of higher to the one of lower temperature.

  • Experiments of the same nature as those already described, instituted upon water in a state of ebullition at different temperatures, as well below as above 212 deg.

  • From this rule may also be calculated what fraction of a volume of gas is occupied by moisture under the ordinary pressure at different temperatures; for instance, at 30° C.

  • As the cohesion of aqueous particles varies at different temperatures, the quantity of heat which is expended in overcoming this cohesion--or the latent heat of evaporation--will for this reason alone be different at different temperatures.

  • Such phenomena should explain the fact why a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen yields water (explodes) at different temperatures, according to the kind of heated substance which transmits this temperature.

  • Responses to identical stimuli were then taken at different temperatures.

  • There is an element of physical change, against which precautions have to be taken in experiments on variation of the rate of growth at different temperatures.

  • The only way of removing the complication arising from thermal radiation lies in varying the temperature condition of the plant, by direct contact with water at different temperatures.

  • At different temperatures, however, in the case of hydrogen the heating effect was found to diminish with rise of temperature, being .

  • The density of saturated steam at different temperatures is very difficult to measure experimentally with any approach of accuracy: but so far as experiment goes equation (B) is confirmed.

  • If a system of bodies be given, all at different temperatures, it is possible to reduce them to a common temperature, and by doing so to extract a certain amount of mechanical energy from them.

  • The positive and negative phototropic curvatures of an identical organ at different temperatures is seen in the two records given in figure 145.

  • The following table shows the enhancement of excitability of Mimosa at different temperatures, the testing stimulus being the same.

  • Direct transference of heat by conduction or radiation between bodies at different temperatures is equivalent to wasting a difference of temperature which might have been utilized to produce motive power.

  • In order to realize the maximum effect, it is necessary that, in the process employed, there should not be any direct interchange of heat between bodies at different temperatures.

  • The function F't would be the same for all substances at the same temperature, but would have different values at different temperatures.

  • From the figure it will be easy to see what will be the result of bringing together succinic nitrile and water at different temperatures and in different amounts.

  • We therefore obtain the curve ABF, which represents the composition of the solution {163} with which solid iodine is in equilibrium at different temperatures.

  • For any given value of the pressure, therefore, we should expect that the system could exist at different temperatures; which, indeed, is the case.

  • On determining the composition of the solutions in equilibrium with this hydrate at different temperatures, the following values were obtained, these values being represented by the curve FE (Fig.

  • Free caloric always tends to diffuse itself equally, that is to say, when two bodies are of different temperatures, the warmer gradually parts with its heat to the colder, till they are both brought to the same temperature.

  • Heat may be used at different temperatures, and when so applied exerts a varying effect, depending upon temperature employed.

  • In the following table the exposures were made for a uniform period (20 minutes): The bacterial content of milk heated at different temperatures.

  • The variation in the heat radiated by a full radiator at different temperatures forms a very important part of the study of radiation, and a very large number of experiments and theoretical investigations have been devoted to it.

  • Put a small portion of the compound called mineral chameleon into several glasses, pour upon each water at different temperatures, and the contents of each glass will exhibit a different shade of colour.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "different temperatures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    different ages; different breeds; different cases; different course; different degrees; different denominations; different densities; different directions; different distances; different genera; different heights; different kind; different languages; different levels; different lights; different names; different opinion; different parts; different peoples; different places; different points; different regions; different senses; different substances; hide thyself; thirteen cities