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Example sentences for "difficulte"

Lexicographically close words:
difficile; difficiles; difficilis; difficult; difficultate; difficultes; difficultie; difficulties; difficultly; difficulty
  1. Sidenote: The reamedie against Caves or undermuinynges; What care the besieged ought to have; What maketh a citee or campe difficulte to bee defended; By what meanes thei that besiege ar made afraied; Honour got by constancie.

  2. The whiche I doe not beleve, that it hath been difficulte to bryng to passe unto one, who is nombred emongest Princes of a citee: for the provyng whereof, I will never seke other, then thexample of the Romaines.

  3. You maie now verie well understand, how difficulte it is to bringe in use the auncient maners in the presente warres, and what preparations are mete for a wise man to make, and what occasions ought to be loked for, to be able to execute it.

  4. And it is not difficulte to shew, y^t the reformed churches differ in many circumstances amongest them selves.

  5. This thinge seemed difficulte vnto the Gentlewoman: fearing that there woulde folowe reproche vnto her doughter.

  6. How difficulte it is to discerne the supernatural from the incredible!

  7. Sayd, the Revival of Learning seemed appoynted by Heaven for some greate Purpose, 'twas difficulte to say how greate.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "difficulte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.