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Example sentences for "digraphs"

Lexicographically close words:
dignum; dignus; dignyte; digo; digraph; digress; digressed; digressing; digression; digressions
  1. We have, therefore, twenty-six letters with which to express fifty or more sounds, not counting the digraphs and diphthongs.

  2. In connection with the other vowels it forms several digraphs and diphthongs.

  3. A study of the table of frequency of digraphs or pairs is also excellent practice and such a table should be at hand when a transposition cipher is under consideration.

  4. What other digraphs are found in words in the above paragraphs?

  5. Two or more consonants, unless they are so united as to form digraphs or fixed groups, are usually divided according to pronunciation.

  6. Pete man mane din dine dim dime cap cape fin fine spin spine hid hide mop mope kit kite hop hope plum plume rip ripe tub tube cub cube cut cute tun tune Call attention to the vowel digraphs in the same way: ea, ai, oa, ay.

  7. Single and blended consonants, and digraphs written on cardboard cut in form of fish, and put into the mirror lake on the sand table.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "digraphs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.