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Example sentences for "diligenter"

Lexicographically close words:
diligence; diligences; diligencia; diligent; diligente; diligentia; diligentius; diligentlie; diligently; diligit
  1. I hope too, since nothing has stood in our way at present [except his negligence, he is not Page 120 mutasset neglegentia hoc quod cum fortiter et diligenter tum etiam mehercule.

  2. Seigneurs who protected heretics in their lands forfeited them to the lord, or, if allodial, to the king.

  3. Case of Armanno Pongilupo 239 Power of the Inquisition.

  4. At the south portal stood Giovanni with seven priests, and as the magistrates entered they touched each one lightly with rods, after which the rites of absolution were solemnly performed.

  5. The evil continued unabated, and in 1375 he returned to the charge still more vigorously.

  6. The title at full length is as follows: "Ars memorandi notabilis per figuras Ewangelistarum hic ex post descriptam quam diligens lector diligenter legat et practiset per signa localia ut in practica experitur.

  7. Qui etiam in die Parasceue dati fuerunt nobis, et eas in litera Ruthenica, Sarracenica, et in Tartarica diligenter cum ipsis transtulimus.

  8. The Apology accompanying the Altered Augsburg Confession of 1540, was designated by Melanchthon himself as "diligenter recognita, diligently revised.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diligenter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.