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Example sentences for "disordinate"

Lexicographically close words:
disorder; disordered; disordering; disorderly; disorders; disorganisation; disorganised; disorganising; disorganization; disorganize
  1. Open the eyes of thine vnderstanding and knowe thy selfe, geue place to reason, and reforme thy vnshamefull and disordinate appetites.

  2. In thende, after infinite disputations to him selfe, he gaue place to reason, considering the great disconuenience that would insue his disordinate loue.

  3. The three brethren whiche were at Florence, not limitting any order to their disordinate expences, grewe daylye worse and worse.

  4. Will gentlemen learne howe to prosecute vertue, and to profligat from their minde, disordinate Loue, and affection, I referre theim to the Historie of Tancredi, and to Galgano of Siena?

  5. Finde out some other companion, to coole thy disordinate loue.

  6. And in this sorte, they maintayned their disordinate life begonne.

  7. I rely with great confidence on the good sense of the mass of the people to support their own government in an unavoidable war, and to check the disordinate ambition of individuals.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disordinate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.