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Example sentences for "disordered"

Lexicographically close words:
disobliging; disoient; disoit; disons; disorder; disordering; disorderly; disorders; disordinate; disorganisation
  1. As to its therapeutic value, we can only say that whatever can be accomplished by suggestion, in the normal life, can be accomplished by the very strong suggestion of hypnosis in the disordered life.

  2. He threw himself into a chair, looked about with a sense of being at home, and passed his fingers wearily through the disordered masses of his hair.

  3. For a moment they faced each other in silence, then he stroked the disordered hair from his forehead like one waking from a dream.

  4. Into this square radiated numberless streets and alleys giving its disordered architecture the appearance of being reft and split into chasms, some of the houses being doubtfully propped with timbers.

  5. The trouble and turmoil of her mind consequent upon the birth of her child seemed to have readjusted her disordered ideas upon this point.

  6. I have felt strangely disordered since the blow I received from the pole of the carriage; but, till this moment, I have not been at leisure to attend to my sensations.

  7. Lena went to say good-by for the summer to Mrs. Appleton and was bidden to come up stairs to a disordered little room where that matron superintended a flushed maid busy with packing.

  8. The girl waiting in the disordered office looked more than ever like a bridesmaid rose, pink and ruffled and out of its proper setting, as she saw Mr. Percival coming.

  9. We arranged our disordered dress, and went down hand-in-hand.

  10. But in his disordered fancy the idea had assumed a more daring character, and trespassed, under certain conditions, upon the kingdom of inorganization.

  11. Although this event failed not of a vivid effect upon my disordered imagination, yet was it evanescent as vivid.

  12. Throwing his serviette on the disordered table, he pushed back his chair and stood up.

  13. On Monday morning, rising a little earlier than usual, she was surprised to find her mother alone at a disordered breakfast-table.

  14. A disordered liver turned the gold to green, and the arm which by the dream was to have been waving a flashing sword in the front part of battle, was more frequently wielding a dull axe in the woods, or a spade in the open ground.

  15. What is this but a power of seeing visions depending on a disordered brain, or positive delirium exemplified by a dumb creature?

  16. Excessive fatness, with its attendant asthma and hollow cough, are to be directly traced to a disordered digestion.

  17. Very few dogs have healthy livers, and yet seldom is the disordered condition of this important gland suspected.

  18. It, in fat dogs, usually proceeds from disordered digestion; and then to remove it the cause must be attacked.

  19. When I have given it to the animal, it has disordered the stomach and induced vomition.

  20. The fluid will be returned so fast as it enters, and it must be allowed to do so, the fingers of one hand being employed against the anus to prevent the disordered rectum being ejected with the water.

  21. The forehead was ample, but half-eclipsed by a mass of rich, chestnut hair that hung over his head in disordered waves.

  22. Dreaming is a bad thing--sign of a disordered stomach.

  23. He was pale and haggard, and his hair hung disordered over his eyes.

  24. It was then really true all that I had seen and heard; it was no disordered dream.

  25. What he had seen could not have been a fantasy, nor due to disordered imagination.

  26. It is much more probable to suppose, that the sea had washed away the relics of the broken and disordered strata, before those that are now superincumbent had been begun to be deposited.

  27. Elfreda Briggs dashed into the room, threw herself face downward on her disordered bed and gave way to a long, anguished wail.

  28. She is an interesting specimen, and furnishes variety, of a certain kind," she added with an impish grin, glancing comprehensively at the disordered room.

  29. The Duke of Argyll, in the latter part of his life, was often melancholy and disordered in his understanding.

  30. Mr. Croker, "it is but too probable that he was disordered in mind, and that what was called vice was.

  31. A nearer approach not only reveals the disordered array of fragments but also permits one to remark a few of the original figures and canopies in the upper left-hand corner.

  32. Dr Thompson now came on deck, very much lamenting the disordered rites of his breakfast.

  33. Minute after minute cropped its weight heavily, like so many pellets of lead, upon my disordered brain.

  34. He wore large blue-worsted stockings folded up outside above the knee, but carefully wrinkled and disordered over the calf of the leg, in order to conceal its healthy mass of muscle.

  35. The duke affected to disbelieve her story; and Angelo said that grief for her brother's death, who had suffered by the due course of the law, had disordered her senses.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disordered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aimless; aleatory; amiss; amorphous; awry; bad; blurred; bothered; broad; capricious; casual; chance; chancy; chaotic; cockeyed; confused; defective; delirious; deranged; desultory; disarranged; disarticulated; discomfited; discomposed; disconcerted; disconnected; discontinuous; disjointed; disjunct; dislocated; disordered; disorderly; disorganized; dispersed; disproportionate; disreputable; disturbed; embarrassed; erratic; fitful; flustered; foggy; formless; frivolous; fuzzy; general; gratuitous; haphazard; haywire; hazy; hypochondriac; hysterical; inaccurate; inchoate; incoherent; indecisive; indefinable; indefinite; indeterminate; indiscriminate; indistinct; inexact; insane; irregular; jumbled; lax; loose; meaningless; misplaced; misshapen; morbid; muddled; neurotic; obscure; order; perplexed; perturbed; planless; promiscuous; psychoneurotic; ragged; random; riotous; roily; senseless; shadowy; shaken; shapeless; shook; shuffled; sick; slatternly; sloppy; spasmodic; sporadic; straggling; sweeping; turbid; turbulent; unclassified; unclear; unconnected; undefined; undetermined; undirected; ungraded; unkempt; unmethodical; unordered; unorganized; unsettled; unsorted; unspecified; unsymmetrical; unsystematic; upset; vague; veiled; wandering