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Example sentences for "undefined"

Lexicographically close words:
undecorated; undefeated; undefended; undefiled; undefinable; undeflected; undeh; undelegated; undelightful; undelivered
  1. Besides, it contained no end of dark corners, with which his childish imagination had associated undefined horrors, assuming now one shape, now another.

  2. But nothing had been betrayed to him as to the history of Raffles, and Bulstrode was anxious not to do anything which would give emphasis to his undefined suspicions.

  3. The goat is the sacred animal of the Madenassana Bushmen; yet "to look upon it would be to render the man for the time impure, as well as to cause him undefined uneasiness.

  4. His sunburnt face and the new beard, on which he set some undefined value, apologetically displayed, were scanned by those blue eyes with rapid glances, at once more friendly and less friendly.

  5. He nodded, and Christian read the letter, leaving out the mention of Harz, and for some undefined reason the part about Sarelli.

  6. Ethel, for Tom alone ever durst seriously touch on the undefined impression that all entertained of Flora's only child.

  7. I had an undefined feeling about the many countries I was about to visit, which filled my mind with vast ideas of travel.

  8. I rode on, without stopping or once looking behind, until I had got among some of the broken ground produced by the large and undefined bed of the river Caraj, and there I made a halt.

  9. A nameless, undefined sort of dread was creeping over her.

  10. The sudden revulsion of feeling from intense, undefined terror to joyful surprise, was too much to bear calmly.

  11. As I grew older there came, of course, an undefined physical longing, but it was the beauty of those I admired which mainly appealed to me.

  12. Fear, confusion, and undefined soul-longing seemed to move rapidly across it, each leaving its momentary impression, and all mingling at times in a surging flood that swelled the veins of his temples to the point of rupture.

  13. He (John) then conceived the romantic plan of running away, and, at some undefined place in the far West, making a sudden fortune with which to retrieve the family disaster.

  14. I was trying to put into words an undefined uneasiness of mine, a quite formless desire to have you possessed of the whole case as it had come up in my mind.

  15. After mounting his animal, he drove his horse near the spot where Magde was standing, and as he passed her he bowed deeply, but his face wore an expression that caused her entire form to tremble with an undefined fear.

  16. The cause of this variety of Ens is to be found in a certain affection of the intelligence; that of the preceding variety of Ens is an undefined or indeterminate cause (b.

  17. But, if the distinction of purpose and procedure, between the Dialectician and the Sophist, is thus undefined and unsatisfactory, still more unsatisfactory is the distinction of subject-matter.

  18. Sokrates and Plato did indeed expose many particular examples of undefined and equivocal phraseology.

  19. And if they failed to meet her father, she felt that her presence might prevail when the undefined rights of so mere a lad as her companion might be disregarded.

  20. To find our discontent with the actual, our yearning for an undefined ideal, our aspiration after impossible heights of being, shared and amplified in the emotional speech of a man of genius, is the beginning of consolation.

  21. For the first few days, Tom, moved with undefined remorse, tried to take a part in nursing her.

  22. Tom turned pale, for a pang of undefined fear shot through him, and his voice betrayed genuine anxiety as he answered: "I do not know.

  23. At sight of the water a new though undefined hope sprang up in me.

  24. Blackness mingled with form, silence and undefined motion possessed the wide space.

  25. She did not wish to visualize facts, hungrily seeking the satisfaction of undefined illusions.

  26. An undefined but very slight odour, that told her of opium smoke, pervaded the stairs that night.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undefined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aleatory; ambiguous; amorphous; anarchic; anonymous; baggy; bleary; blurred; boundless; broad; chance; chancy; changeless; chaotic; characterless; confused; creation; dark; dim; disordered; disorderly; dreamy; eternal; everlasting; faint; featureless; feeble; filmy; foggy; formless; fuzzy; general; glorious; good; hallowed; hazy; highest; holy; immortal; immutable; inaccurate; inchoate; incognito; incoherent; inconspicuous; indecisive; indefinable; indefinite; indeterminate; indistinct; indistinguishable; inexact; infinite; just; kaleidoscopic; lax; limitless; loose; loving; luminous; majestic; merciful; misty; nameless; nondescript; obscure; omnipotent; omnipresent; omniscient; one; pale; permanent; perpetual; radiant; random; sacred; shadowy; shapeless; sovereign; supreme; sweeping; timeless; ubiquitous; unacknowledged; unbounded; uncertain; unchanging; unclear; undefined; undetermined; unidentified; unknown; unlimited; unordered; unorganized; unrecognizable; unspecified; vague; veiled; weak