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Example sentences for "baggy"

Lexicographically close words:
bagged; bagger; baggers; bagges; bagging; bagi; baglike; bagman; bagmen; bagne
  1. So earnest, honest, and fearless was it that West unconsciously wished to know it better, and found himself drawing nearer to the straw hat and baggy gray trousers.

  2. Look at that fellow over yonder, the one with the baggy trousers and straw hat.

  3. Strange coffee-coloured men in blue garments like smock frocks, with baggy blue trousers caught tightly round their ankles, appear and disappear noiselessly, their bare brown feet making no sound on the sanded paths.

  4. All around the ship are big clumsy-looking boats filled with swarthy shouting men wearing turbans and immense baggy blue trousers with enough stuff in them to clothe a whole family!

  5. The sun is shining brilliantly, and on most of the pavements there are chairs set out around small tables where men in perfectly amazingly baggy corduroy trousers and blue blouses sit and drink variously coloured drinks.

  6. He wore rather baggy gray shepherd's check trousers, a not overclean black frock coat, unbuttoned in the front, and a drab waistcoat with a heavy brassy Albert chain, and a square pierced bit of metal dangling down as an ornament.

  7. He then drew on the shapeless, baggy trousers with their telltale stripes, and over his arms and chest the loose-cut shapeless coat and waistcoat.

  8. But it was the motley lot of us that my lord addressed, as he sat back blinking his baggy eyes.

  9. See the independence in every step: that's his heel on the neck of the oppressor: it's the nonconformist conscience in baggy breeches.

  10. His fine forehead was a tangle of livid cords; his baggy jowl filled out like a balloon.

  11. She was as colorless as a Lunar plant--even the hair netted down to her skull had a sort of grayish cast and I never saw her but once draped in anything but a shapeless and baggy gray space-all.

  12. With one swift motion she tore loose her spaceall and flung the baggy garment across the back of the nearest seat.

  13. It was a man in queer-looking foreign clothes, baggy trousers of some soft-looking blue stuff and a blouse, and he had a white-bandaged left arm.

  14. Baggy white trousers were tucked into long red boots fitted with large spurs.

  15. They wore turbans and tunics which had once been white, baggy red trousers, and heavy boots of undressed leather.

  16. One of the barbs tore a rent in his baggy trousers, but this was his only mishap.

  17. And beside the tall man with the gray beard, was a girl in baggy trousers and a torn smock.

  18. The man who met them at the head of the vertical shaft wore Federation fatigues--baggy trousers, ankle boots and long smock, dyed black.

  19. He was a queer little old thick-set, dark-skinned gentleman, with grizzled whiskers, a ragged hat and baggy trousers.

  20. And the bottoms of his baggy trousers hung in dusty shreds.

  21. The whitened face and baggy costume indicate a connexion also with the continental Pierrot.

  22. Presently a small heap of garments lay on the floor, and the children were quite delicious in baggy blue flannels.

  23. His square little figure was very boyish in the thin silk shirt and baggy knickerbockers, and a wide hat, slipping from his yellow mane, added a last debonair touch to his picturesque little person.

  24. He wore a loose jacket, striped with blue, over a dirty cotton coat reaching to his knees, and huge blue baggy trousers.

  25. They wear the baggy trousers coming to the knee; the embroidered vest and red sash of the East.

  26. Out of doors they are enveloped in a very ugly red cloak: it is baggy and shapeless.

  27. He wears the fez, Turkish jacket, baggy trousers tied in at the knee, followed by white socks, and European elastic-side boots.

  28. Is that handkerchief, bleached and rent, still pendant upon that somewhat baggy umbrella?

  29. Another had tied a handkerchief to the end of a somewhat baggy umbrella, and in the eagerness of gazing, had forgotten to wave it, so that it hung mournfully down, as if overpowered with grief it could not express.

  30. Beside this man in blue flannel shirt, baggy khaki trousers, uneven suspenders, and vile felt hat, she was small and exquisite.

  31. He marched from the room, a grotesque figure in baggy union-pajamas.

  32. My choice finally fell on an English raincoat and a pair of those baggy knee breeches such as an Englishman wears when he goes to Scotland for the moor shooting, or to the National Gallery, or any other damp, misty, rheumatic place.

  33. He was in his shirt-sleeves, and he wore a pair of baggy breeches tied at the knees.

  34. He wore baggy breeches tied at the knees, and a greasy red waistcoat.

  35. Peter left the hut-circles last, securing both doors, and dropping the keys in his baggy pocket.

  36. The Marian gamp was a monstrous creation, very old and patched, possibly had been used once as a carriage umbrella, and it was more baggy than its mistress's bloomers.

  37. His coat-collar was shiny, and his trousers were very baggy at the knees.

  38. A blue zouave jacket, crimson vest and baggy trousers of a darker blue completed his apparel, for his feet were bare.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "baggy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amorphous; anarchic; baggy; ballooning; billowy; bloated; blurred; bulbous; bulging; bumpy; chaotic; characterless; confused; dangling; disorderly; distended; drooping; droopy; easy; featureless; flabby; floppy; formless; fuzzy; hanging; hazy; inchoate; indecisive; indefinite; indeterminate; kaleidoscopic; lax; limp; loose; misty; nodding; nondescript; obscure; pneumatic; relaxed; rickety; rounded; sagging; shaky; shapeless; slack; sloppy; streaming; swag; swelling; unclear; undefined; unordered; unorganized; vague