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Example sentences for "chancy"

Lexicographically close words:
chancilleria; chancing; chancre; chancres; chanct; chandelier; chandeliers; chandelle; chandlers; chandlery
  1. The struggle for life was difficult and chancy in the islands in those days.

  2. The figures in the following record of some of the closing games in the first tournament will show, better than any description, how very chancy the game is.

  3. It is a game of skill, but at the same time the uneasy motion of the ship is constantly interfering with skill; this makes it a chancy game, and the element of luck comes largely in.

  4. I’m thinkin’ it wull be chancy wark at the Creek,” shouted Scottie above the droning roar of the rain and the hiss of the water cascading down the Cut.

  5. It’s chancy wark, the handlin’ o’ an edged tool.

  6. The position of Chancy was certainly the theatre of the most serious attempts on the part of the Helvetii.

  7. It would be a chancy thing and Ali and Rip spent hours checking the mechanics of that flight, while Dane and the recovering Weeks worked with Hovan in an effort to restore the sleeping crew.

  8. In vain the Cargo-master and Captain had pointed out that Galactic trade was a chancy thing at the best, that accident might prevent return of the Queen to Sargol.

  9. At that Chancy started to move toward Chet and Chet started to move toward Chancy, but they didn't go far.

  10. At first we couldn't see who was in them for the dust they kicked up, but pretty soon they came near enough so we could tell it was Chet Weevil and Chancy Miller.

  11. Chancy 'll never count them votes, you listen to me.

  12. Chet and Chancy got first choice of it, but everybody got all he had any use for.

  13. Got to settle whether you or Chancy Miller is the beautifulest.

  14. Chet jumped up quick to make a dash into the yard, but Chancy reached out and grabbed his foot, and down he went on his nose.

  15. Chancy tugged and jerked and braced his feet--and all at once the gate swung open and down they went, with Chancy on the bottom.

  16. Chet's elbow went kerplump into his stomach, and Chancy let loose a yell that was mournfuler than a cow mooing when she's lost track of her calf.

  17. Outside in the sand Chet and Chancy were wallowing and clawing around and pulling hair and kicking and trying to rub each other's faces in the dirt.

  18. Also there were others besides Chet and Chancy that nominated themselves.

  19. Chancy was no sooner gone than Chet came in with the same question.

  20. But Chancy didn't have the money and we didn't give any credit, so that deal was off.

  21. Chet got there just a tenth of a second ahead, but before he could get the gate open Chancy banged into him and began clawing at him and pushing to get past.

  22. She looked for a minute, and then swooped down on Chancy and Chet like a mad turkey hen and grabbed each of them by the handiest part she could get a hold of.

  23. It was chancy work at best, with a possible stumble up against death at every step.

  24. It's a pretty chancy trip, yet it's not as dangerous as you'd think.

  25. It looks chancy enough to me," she confessed.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chancy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accidental; adventitious; adventurous; agnostic; aleatory; ambiguous; amorphous; arbitrary; blurred; broad; capricious; casual; causeless; chance; chancy; changeable; chaotic; confused; contingent; dangerous; disordered; doubtful; doubting; equivocal; erratic; explosive; fatal; fickle; fluky; foggy; fortuitous; fuzzy; general; hairy; hazardous; hazy; hesitant; hesitating; inaccurate; incalculable; inchoate; incidental; incoherent; indecisive; indefinable; indefinite; indemonstrable; indeterminate; indistinct; inexact; irresolute; lax; loose; menacing; obscure; parlous; perilous; precarious; random; risky; shadowy; shapeless; skeptical; speculative; sweeping; touchy; treacherous; unaccountable; uncaused; uncertain; unclear; unconvinced; undefined; undetermined; unexpected; unforeseeable; unforeseen; unhealthy; unpredictable; unprovable; unsound; unspecified; unsure; vague; variable; veiled; venturesome; wavering; whimsical; wicked; wildcat