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Example sentences for "fluky"

Lexicographically close words:
fluidity; fluids; fluit; fluke; flukes; flum; flume; flumen; flumes; flumina
  1. A fluky three to five-knot breeze drew in from the E.

  2. We were working through a nasty patch of broken coral--the outskirts of the Barrier--but scant seaway and fluky airs.

  3. It was going to be a ticklish job, fetching the passage from where she lay in those fluky airs.

  4. Sweeping his eye fore and aft, he noted how the turning tide had swung the schooner so that she headed directly away from the passage, with the fluky puffs of the freshening trade wind coming over her port quarter.

  5. Satanita' was lucky enough to get a new wind first, which kept pretty true and steady afterward, and she eventually beat 'Navahoe' in a fluky race by 7 mins.

  6. A more unfavourable racing day than that which opened the Royal Club Regatta has never been experienced even on the unutterably fluky Firth.

  7. Every run was invaluable now, and the Ripton contingent made the pavilion re-echo as a fluky shot over mid-on's head sent up the hundred and fifty.

  8. He survived an over from de Freece, and hit a fast change bowler who had been put on at the other end for a couple of fluky fours.

  9. I went to school in the Murray Ranges, and carried salt to fluky sheep.

  10. It was quite as fluky as gold mining or honey hunting.

  11. The runs were made by Martin's small proteges, who scored by fluky shots over and through the slips.

  12. He would have to settle down: his second in Mods had been a fluky affair, based rather on previous knowledge than on any real work done at Oxford.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fluky" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accidental; adventitious; aleatory; casual; causeless; chance; chancy; contingent; fatal; fluky; fortuitous; incidental; indeterminate; odd; risky; uncaused; undetermined; unexpected; unforeseeable; unforeseen; unpredictable