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Example sentences for "doubtful"

Lexicographically close words:
doubte; doubted; doubter; doubters; doubteth; doubtfull; doubtfully; doubtfulness; doubting; doubtingly
  1. It is doubtful whether it had been chosen.

  2. Moreover, it is doubtful whether the temper of the modern audience is favorable to a great change in this direction.

  3. At the same time, eclecticism in our choice of subjects is very manifest, and at times our success here seems as doubtful as our mixture of architectural styles.

  4. Nowadays, our well-organised children's rooms make such an occurrence doubtful with the little ones, but apparently there is much of it with adults.

  5. Of those cases it was doubtful in one whether the disease was idiopathic or traumatic--the wound was so slight and the symptoms so obscure, that it was difficult to decide which it was.

  6. Bamford was so unwell that it was doubtful whether he would be able to appear as a witness, he proposed to put in his deposition, in order to found upon it a question to the witness now under examination.

  7. Gaston de Foix bought a doubtful victory dearly with his death; and the allies, though beaten on the banks of the Ronco, immediately afterwards expelled the French from Lombardy.

  8. But it is certainly more than doubtful whether there is sufficient evidence on which to found such assumptions.

  9. Notwithstanding the pontiff's bestowal of the apostolic benediction in articulo mortis upon Victor Emmanuel, the attitude of the Vatican had remained so inimical as to make it doubtful whether the conclave would be held in Rome.

  10. And yet the consciousness that Josephine passed through it all and is what she is, makes me feel a little doubtful still on the score of the new dispensation, in spite of the mushrooms with rich gray gravy.

  11. He has been extremely doubtful whether he would be chosen.

  12. Yet even rough Scandinavia took up this brilliant but doubtful love poetry.

  13. It is doubtful if any of them heard a note.

  14. He would bring home a doubtful fish in a bit of newspaper or a bag of pickled apples which promptly found their way into the Deaves' garbage cans.

  15. It is the fashion to admire Degas, but it is doubtful if he will ever gain the suffrage of the general.

  16. He was in mediocre health, and though from a cadet he had attained the rank of lieutenant it was doubtful if he would ever rise higher.

  17. The stock attitudes and gestures he does not give you; and it is doubtful if he will have an audience soon in America, where the sleek is king and prettiness is exalted over power.

  18. He never exhibited in the Salons, he has no disciples, yet it is doubtful if any painter's fashion of seeing things has had such an influence on the generation following him.

  19. Who was this Zola but a writer of doubtful taste and sensational style!

  20. He resolved to visit him, and fearing a doubtful reception he carried with him a pamphlet he had written in 1889, an eulogium of the painter.

  21. But his colour is often hot and muddy, and perhaps he will go down to that doubtful quantity, posterity, as an etcher and designer of genius.

  22. If then, in anything you feel doubtful or troubled, be sure that it is the voice of your Lord, and surrender it at once to His bidding, rejoicing with a great joy that He has begun thus to lead and guide you.

  23. Seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.

  24. We give thanks often with a tearful, doubtful voice, for our spiritual mercies positive; but what an almost infinite field there is for mercies negative!

  25. The investigations have largely been made by those not trained for the work, and above all the conclusions as to treatment are at variance, doubtful and necessarily not yet satisfactory.

  26. It is doubtful if there should be any intermediate age between sixteen and eighteen, where an act is not rape but still a minor offence.

  27. Whether Nature forbids the marriage of relatives by preventing offspring or by producing imperfect offspring is a doubtful question.

  28. All this makes it hard for the board to perform its duties, and makes the members of the board timid and doubtful of the result, often causing them to deny paroles in many cases where they should be given.

  29. To establish the doubtful security of an uncertain life in an uncertain future, we sacrifice a life of certainty in a present that we might really possess.

  30. I wanted to stay, yet was doubtful whether it would not appear improper, being an utter stranger.

  31. It is therefore, perhaps, doubtful whether he will soon be at leisure to revise his papers, and give the world a second collection of the American Farmer Letters.

  32. A man in my position could soil his fingers with no doubtful enterprise.

  33. Could you reconcile it to your conscience to allow your grandchild to live in the house of an aunt who was leading--well, we will say a doubtful life?

  34. Heaven knows whether I have done right or wrong, child, in helping you," said the Quixotic little woman, with a doubtful sigh.

  35. It was one of the ideas of the Greek to attribute their paternity, as of many other doubtful offspring, to the convenient Jupiter.

  36. A species called Lucioperca skorpili, allied to Centropomus, is described from the Oligocene of Bulgaria, besides several other forms imperfectly preserved, of still more doubtful affinities.

  37. It is doubtful whether eels breed in fresh water.

  38. Another family of doubtful relationship is that of Asineopidæ, elsewhere noticed.

  39. In certain forms of doubtful affinity (Iniomi) the mesocoracoid is wanting or lost in degeneration.

  40. We may begin the series with some forms which are of doubtful affinity and more or less intermediate between the Squamipinnes and the more primitive Percomorphi.

  41. Of doubtful relationship is the extinct family of Blochiidæ.

  42. Mr. Wells has a cloud of witnesses to back him up; and yet it is very doubtful whether the turn of phrase is a really helpful one--whether it does not rather get in the way of the natural man in his quest for a sound rule of life.

  43. He does not claim our gratitude for the doubtful boon of life.

  44. It seems very doubtful whether any less ancient, dogmatic, hieratic, spectacular form of make-believe will serve his turn.

  45. Possibly these preparations are being made against the insurgents of France, but it is doubtful whether under pretense of invading Scotland.

  46. It was doubtful whether anything would come of the session, as the difficulties between the delegates were endless, partly from the diversity of their commissions and of the requests they had to make, partly from individual caprice.

  47. As an instance of the care of the government to b forehanded, agents of the crown secretly measured even the height of the wall in the case of towns of doubtful allegiance.

  48. Men were doubtful of their neighbors; towns were fearful of other nearby towns.

  49. It terminated like the former; though something approaching to a ray, we could not tell whence, shed a very doubtful twilight in the space.

  50. As regards the portraits supposed to be found on the frescoes, they are all so doubtful that I will refrain from discussing them, but will refer my readers to Colombo.

  51. But a fresh blow fell on her: she lost the greater part of her little fortune, which was invested in doubtful securities.

  52. Fonsegue, for his part, talked of diamonds, saying that they were now doubtful investments, as the day when they would become articles of current manufacture was fast approaching, thanks to the electrical furnace and other inventions.

  53. He had expected much pomp and majesty, whereas this temple of human justice seemed to him small and dismal and of doubtful cleanliness.

  54. But she who had once taken so much care of herself, had now come down to dressing-gowns of doubtful cleanliness.

  55. That doubtful D flat had made her toss restlessly for half an hour before she slept last night.

  56. That is what makes me doubtful that he can have taken it.

  57. Years afterwards Governor Grey became involved in this miserable controversy, which only slowly died away when he passed ordinances that did much to settle doubtful and disputed claims.

  58. Personally I like Polack and Savage the best of them, despite the lumbering pretentiousness and doubtful veracity of the former.

  59. It is doubtful whether it ever numbered more than a hundred and fifty thousand.

  60. It is doubtful if there is an earlier record of any celestial phenomenon.

  61. A period of half a century has been suggested, but it is very doubtful if Eta Argus has any regular period of variation.

  62. It is very doubtful whether water exists on Mars in large bodies: quite certainly not as oceans, though the evidence of many small "lakes" is pretty well made out.

  63. The newest outer satellites of Jupiter were all discovered by photography, and it is extremely doubtful if they would have been found otherwise.

  64. On the other hand, if patronage is to be sustained, then why allow of any lingering or doubtful force to what must often operate as a conflicting claim?

  65. Calls" are no longer doubtful in their meaning, but "objections" have a fair field laid open to then.

  66. They have saved their country from horror and ruin, and now it seemed very doubtful if their country wanted them.

  67. I think the old chap always was a bit doubtful that any fellow would get down to solid work after flying; he used to say the two things wouldn't agree.

  68. He looked again at the doubtful sky, and then back to Mrs. Brown.

  69. It was long remembered that he did this in a manner so strange, and with such a trembling hand, that the messenger stood looking after his retreating figure, doubtful whether he ought not to follow, and watch him.

  70. When they came to dark and doubtful places, he never forgot to put his hand upon the little man to hold him more securely in his seat, but he kept his head erect and his eyes fixed on the fire, then, and always.

  71. Let me be sure,' said Mr Haredale, 'that I understand you, for I am doubtful of my own senses.

  72. Frank, startled by her movement, made a step as if to follow, and then stopped short and looked on, but with a clouded and doubtful countenance.

  73. And I cannot yet say more to you, for I am very doubtful as to the success of my mission; and it will not do to unsettle poor Leonard until we are sure that we can improve his condition.

  74. If he stayed at home, it was in company with his head clerk, and for the purpose of checking his account-books, or looking over the names of doubtful electors.

  75. No, pardon me, my Lord; there must be some head to direct the Committee, and keep our captains at their posts upon the doubtful electors.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doubtful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    doubtful cases; doubtful value; doubtful whether