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Example sentences for "doubtfully"

Lexicographically close words:
doubter; doubters; doubteth; doubtful; doubtfull; doubtfulness; doubting; doubtingly; doubtings; doubtless
  1. A shadow hesitated upon the lace curtain, then the door itself was slowly, doubtfully opened, and the old man shuffled into the vestibule, peering suspiciously through the iron fretwork.

  2. The woman came forward doubtfully and took the horse by the bit, while the traveler alighted.

  3. The sergeant looked at her doubtfully and hesitated.

  4. I looked at the money lying before me, and then doubtfully at Sam.

  5. She looked doubtfully at Ashe--then her eyes sparkled--as she understood.

  6. He looked doubtfully round the sea, then consented.

  7. Max pulled down the corners of his mouth and looked doubtfully at his friends.

  8. The bus stopped, and the driver looked doubtfully at Silky.

  9. Ellen looked doubtfully at the black horse and his rider, and patting the Brownie's neck, observed with great satisfaction that he was very good.

  10. Nancy looked doubtfully at Ellen's face, and then ran hastily in.

  11. Willard followed doubtfully when the repast was over.

  12. Harmon looked doubtfully at his watch, but Joe was already leading the way toward a narrow flight of stairs at the end of the second-floor corridor and Bob had an urging grip on his shoulder.

  13. At a sign from his daughter, Mr. Walton reluctantly and doubtfully passed through the open door into the parlor, where he was joined by Miss Eulie.

  14. Why talk so doubtfully of success, seeking it as you purpose to?

  15. Doubtfully —" said the doctor, with a very complicated expression of face; but he was taking off his boot at the moment, and maybe it pinched him.

  16. If mamma will tell Joanna," said Daisy, looking somewhat doubtfully towards the other end of the table.

  17. But he looked doubtfully at the women-folk as he said it.

  18. The other magistrates looked doubtfully at me, but made no comment, and my words seemed to be wasted on the silence.

  19. The dame looked on her doubtfully and grimly a while, and then she said: What ails thee, my servant, that thou lookest so masterful?

  20. He also looked doubtfully at the Captain, whose face, perhaps, he knew.

  21. I'd like that," said Norah, feeling doubtfully for her voice.

  22. She looked doubtfully at the still water, now and then rippled by the splash of a leaping fish.

  23. At the end of five minutes they were down fifteen inches, at ten they still held their pace; but as Denver glanced doubtfully at his coach and Owen the sound of the drilling changed.

  24. Good morning," returned Big Boy glancing doubtfully at Bunker Hill, "my name is Denver Russell.

  25. Stephens looked up doubtfully at this suggestion.

  26. But will Miss Potts want to spend--" Biscuits looked doubtfully at the white-armed goddess who contemplated herself quietly in the glass.

  27. An ominous look of surprise deepened on the girls' faces, and the president looked doubtfully at the secretary.

  28. We were still contemplating it doubtfully when we received our orders: “Beds will arrive presently.

  29. Instead, I began to do my own washing, not liking to entrust it to the doubtfully clean hands of a Pole.

  30. Don’t know it,” said the soldier, eyeing me doubtfully and scratching his head.

  31. When its directions were being doubtfully obeyed, those quoted above arrived on March 12th, and led to changes in the disposition of the troops.

  32. The Czar signified his warm approval of this plan; a little later the King of Prussia gave his assent, and Schwarzenberg rather doubtfully deferred to their wishes.

  33. Now she began to loathe the excitement of her property: doubtfully hers, every stick of it.

  34. And the glow-worm glanced doubtfully at Johannes as he spoke.

  35. Then the people gave it up, and dropped off doubtfully in twos and threes, leaving behind them a litter of papers, empty bottles and orange peel, the hideous relics of their visit.

  36. Ruth herself, when she had buckled it tight, stood looking doubtfully at it.

  37. The big man looked doubtfully at the little, oldish man on the sled.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doubtfully" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.