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Example sentences for "doubtfull"

Lexicographically close words:
doubted; doubter; doubters; doubteth; doubtful; doubtfully; doubtfulness; doubting; doubtingly; doubtings
  1. Doubtfull of himself, and easily be removed from his own opinion Drink a dish of coffee Ill from my late cutting my hair so close to my head Nothing of the memory of a man, an houre after he is dead!

  2. But to be long in talk of dying would Shew a relenting and a doubtfull mind: By this you shall my quiet thoughts intend; I blame not Earth nor Heaven for my end.

  3. Which makes it doubtfull whether love to him Or Neroes hatred hath drawne more unto us.

  4. Now in the teare[s] of all men let me sing, And make it doubtfull to the Gods above Whether the Earth be pleas'd or doe complaine.

  5. Deathe is no stranger unto me, I have The doubtfull hazard in twelve Battailes throwne; My chaunce was life.

  6. But Master Foster misdoubting some danger secretly gaue speech that he was doubtfull of these men what their intent was; neuerthelesse he sayd nothing, nor seemed in any outward wise to mistrust them at all.

  7. With these words he flang suddenly away; by occasion whereof his speaches setled with a more strong impression, and multiplied many doubtfull constructions.

  8. William, besides that he was the yonger brother, his nature was held to be doubtfull and suspect, and the iudgement of most men enclined to the worst.

  9. Thus was no man more milde to a relenting and vanquished enemie; as farre from crueltie, as he was from cowardice, the height of his spirit, ouerlooking all casuall, all doubtfull and vncertaine dangers.

  10. Portugall should be put before equall judges, it woulde be very doubtfull which party woulde gette the better.

  11. Home, continuing in this doubtfull condition what to think of it, but God Almighty do his will in it for the best.

  12. London, being doubtfull of anything that comes from thence, or that hath lately been there, that I was forced to say that I lived wholly at Woolwich.

  13. But, says he, some men are more apt to think they shall escape than another man in fight, while another is doubtfull he shall be hit.

  14. Not to indanger thy beloued life, But in this ship remayne, and here awaite, How Fortune dealeth with our doubtfull State, Cor.

  15. Hazard the fortune of the doubtfull fight, Cat.

  16. Wilkensons Signeture was not to this instrement we were Somewhat doubtfull of it.

  17. I therefore deturmined to inform the Nativs that nothing but Sefere Swetts would restore this disabled man, and even that doubtfull in his present Situation.

  18. I fear the successfull issue of our voyage will be very doubtfull or at all events much more difficult in it's accomplishment.

  19. Where our desire is got without content: 'Tis safer, to be that which we destroy, Then by destruction dwell in doubtfull ioy.

  20. For th’early frost the trembling leaves doth fright, Or else the Father of the light Hath hewne from th’ecchoing rocks his thundring darts, Hee hastens with such doubtfull starts.

  21. Inas fought a mightie battell against Cheolred king of Mercia, at Wodenessburie, with doubtfull victorie, for it could not well be iudged whether part susteined greater losse.

  22. Now for that a displeasing and a doubtfull peace was not like to bring quietnesse either to him or to his armie, he tooke from such as he suspected, their armour.

  23. I find obscure mention of the specular stone also to haue béene found and applied to this vse in England, but in such doubtfull sort as I dare not affirme it for certeine.

  24. They had diuerse incounters with the enimies at the first, with doubtfull successe: but [Sidenote: Venutius kéepeth the kingdome in despite of the Romans.

  25. Ye folysh dolt, ye were to seek, ear we had got our ground; Therefore his tale so doubtfull was that I cold not perceive it.

  26. I see not a smiling face through the whole Court; and, in my conscience, they are doubtfull of the conduct again of the Generalls, and I pray God they may not make their fears reasonable.

  27. Up, and having seen my brother in his cassocke, which I am not the most satisfied in, being doubtfull at this time what course to have him profess too soon.

  28. Nowe it behoueth me to speake of the Iealousie they haue conceyued of vs, for that they were in ech other's Chamber, which truly is the doubtfull knot and scruple that forceth all their disdaine and griefe.

  29. It is not to be doubted, that orisons and prayers vnto hys greate prophet Mahomet were forgotten, and doubtfull it is whether he were more deuout when he went on Pilgrimage to the Idolatrous Temple of Mosqua.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doubtfull" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.