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Example sentences for "grew older"

  • Instead of confiding to him my aspirations, vague though they were, I became more and more secretive as I grew older.

  • As I grew older I went with him into the mountains, often on his back; and spent the nights in open camp with my little moccasins drying at the blaze.

  • As I grew older, I took the cue of political knowledge, as I have said, from Mr. Swain rather than Captain Daniel, who would tell me nothing.

  • He had hoped, so he said, that I had become a good loyalist: perchance as I grew older I would see the folly of those who called themselves Patriots.

  • As he grew older he seemed to be annoyed when told of things he had forgotten, and as the letter had evidently gone from his mind, Jerrie said no more of it.

  • It was true, Maria Metz compromised on some matters as PhÅ“be grew older, but on the question of clothes the older woman was adamant.

  • He wouldn't have liked it when he grew older--boys are different.

  • Then when I grew older these; they are much prettier.

  • I learned, as I grew older, that much as Polotzk disliked to go to Russia, even more did Russia object to letting Polotzk come.

  • As we grew older, my parents gave us more than physical comfort and social standing to rejoice in.

  • As he grew older, severer tortures were invented for him; still he refused baptism.

  • I had a bunch of keys to play with, as long as I was capable only of pleasure in what glittered and jingled, as I grew older I had a cart and a ball, and when I was five or six years old, two boxes of well-cut wooden bricks.

  • As he grew older he seemed to be annoyed when told of things he had forgotten, and as the letter had evidently gone entirely from his mind, Jerrie said no more of it.

  • As we grew older I could see but one fault in Joshua, he was inclined to be unreasonably jealous, and that was the beginning of our trouble.

  • In robbing orchards he was usually a leader; and, as he grew older, he delighted to take part in any poaching or smuggling adventure.

  • In this way the persevering youth acquired much useful knowledge; and as he grew older, the desire possessed him of becoming a missionary to the heathen.

  • They serve chiefly to prove that the master's mind lost its pliancy as he grew older, and that he became incapable of adapting himself to circumstances outside his ordinary routine.

  • He exaggerated these weaknesses as he grew older.

  • As he grew older, he found that Early Institutions lost their interest, but that Early Women became a passion.

  • As he grew older he rather thought that Mr. Weed looked on it as a question of how the game should be played.

  • I was a devoted member of an orthodox church, but as I grew older I began to question my beliefs, and to my questions I could find no satisfactory answer.

  • As I grew older, the spells became more frequent and more severe; the only relief physicians could give me was by hypodermic injections of morphine.

  • I always used the prayers that I had been taught, and as I grew older I began to ask for wisdom.

  • I had never been strong, and as I grew older I grew weaker and at last became so ill that life was a burden to me.

  • With certain noble qualities, his pride was excessive, his temper not only hot but obstinate, and, as he grew older, he became more overbearing and cruel.

  • As he grew older, he sought to appease a guilty conscience by inflicting tortures on religious dissenters.

  • As he grew older, his life was in danger; but at the age of seventeen, he was able to crush his enemies (1689).

  • He had found his father in a mood, not common with him, but which was growing commoner as he grew older, of serene cheerfulness.

  • Hugh, as he grew older, did not desire very close relationships with people; he valued frankness above intimacy, and candour above sympathy.

  • Meinrad had spent twenty-five years in solitude; and his love for this mortified and retired life had grown stronger in his heart as he grew older.

  • As he grew older, he showed rather an odd taste in his choice of books.

  • From his earliest days he had been peculiarly free from the desire to take what did not belong to him; and as he grew older, this had developed into a positive aversion to anything that savoured of stealing in the slightest degree.

  • Bert loved the old fort and its cannons none the less because of his adventure, and as he grew older he learned to drop down into it from the garden fence, and climb back again, with the agility of a monkey.

  • As he grew older, it needed more whippings than the sum total of his own chubby fingers and toes to instil into him a proper understanding of parental authority.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grew older" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    close proximity; economic production; fair sirs; felt much; good blood; grew angry; grew dark; grew more; grew more and more; grew older; grew pale; grew very; grew weary; help herself; intelligence from; internal revenue; large lake; magnetic pole; more amusing; other nations; perched upon; revealed from; single glass; suffer death; voice production; wave motion