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Example sentences for "disarranged"

Lexicographically close words:
disarmament; disarmed; disarming; disarms; disarrange; disarrangement; disarranging; disarray; disarrayed; disarticulated
  1. Mr. Batchgrew had of course horribly disarranged the table, and in the upset the serviette and ring might have fallen unnoticed into the darkness beneath the table.

  2. He shook; the inanimate figure with the disarranged clothes and hair, prone and deserted there in the solitude of the warm, familiar room, struck terror into him.

  3. This departure disarranged Geoffrey's scheme for his friend's salvation; for he was not prepared to go the length of sacrificing his daily game of tennis.

  4. But she hoped that it had not disarranged her complexion again; and that none of the servants had seen.

  5. And as Foreign Teas have long been censured as being the cause of many disorders which arise from the nerves being disarranged or debilitated, an impartial enquiry is here made into the nature, preparation, and effects, of these Teas.

  6. Taking a small piece of gaspipe they disarranged the little doors that controlled the locking system above each cell, and then demolished the entire system of locks.

  7. In the vicinity of the cattle guard the soil was disarranged and there were shoe marks near the cattle guard.

  8. Circumstances quite unexpectedly had disarranged her plans and made her physically unable to keep her usual guard over her companion.

  9. For the young couple were going to spend the winter on the Mediterranean coasts, and Tris was as much interested in the preparations as was possible to be, even though the unexpected change disarranged and postponed his own plans.

  10. Edward rather disarranged the proceedings, by at once, in some haste, having the cover let fall, and fastened down.

  11. An illustration which may be given here is that of the "patience test," or uniting the disarranged parts of a divided rectangle.

  12. Discovers the sense of a disarranged sentence.

  13. Then coatless, collarless, with open vest and hair disarranged in the manner traditional among love-sick youths, he would pour mournful airs from a flute.

  14. Her fluffy golden hair had been slightly disarranged when she removed her hat and so remained.

  15. Charlie straightened his disarranged tie and coat with trembling fingers.

  16. Vandyke ruffled his long, black locks, disarranged his careless tie and leaned over to Madder.

  17. Madder ruffled his long, sandy locks and disarranged his careless tie.

  18. The criminal answered by viciously hurling the lantern into the face of his assailant, and in the act, the mask somehow or other was disarranged and slipped from its place.

  19. It so disarranged his balance that he tumbled on the floor, the rifle falling from his grasp.

  20. You have disarranged my whole dress," said he, peevishly.

  21. And the economy of his house being partially disarranged by it, had he not a good right to be angry?

  22. But as there are a number of ways in which it may become disarranged or unreliable, we want to impress on your mind that you, must not depend on it entirely.

  23. For instance, should the valve become disarranged on the valve stem or in any other way, do not try to remedy the trouble by changing the eccentric, or if the eccentric slips do not go to the valve to mend the trouble.

  24. The catastrophe has disarranged its course, but it still revolves in a prolonged orbit around the sun, carrying its broken débris in a long trail behind it.

  25. Here, as often happens, the impressive facts are remembered, but in a disarranged chronological order.

  26. The tide of backwoods settlement flowing down the Piedmont from the north, had cut across the lines of local government and disarranged the regular course of development of the colonies from the seacoast.

  27. The body was lying upon the bank with the feet higher than the body, and the clothing so disarranged that the officers were at first led to believe that the woman had been outraged before she was murdered.

  28. The clothing could easily have been as much disarranged in the struggle which had evidently taken place and when the murderer threw his victim to the ground.

  29. The light of the lamp fell directly on her delicate face, which was still very youthful; on her light hair, which was somewhat disarranged above her forehead.

  30. In making their retreat in the Somme sector the Germans had announced that they had completely disarranged by so doing the British offensive plans.

  31. The double offensive of the British north of Arras and of the French on the Aisne had disarranged the German plans, according to reliable information that reached the Allied command.

  32. Hescott, who, I regret to say, must have disarranged that handkerchief once for all, is making great running with the lady guests.

  33. It was clear that the difference between the standards must be reconciled, or all industry would be disarranged and the village ruined.

  34. This was a magnificent programme, but the energy of the Rebel government had materially disarranged it.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disarranged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amiss; awry; cockeyed; confused; delirious; deranged; disarranged; discomfited; discomposed; disconcerted; disjointed; dislocated; disordered; disorderly; disorganized; disturbed; haywire; indiscriminate; misplaced; out; perturbed; roily; shuffled; turbid; turbulent; unhinged; unkempt; unsettled; upset