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Example sentences for "disturbed"

Lexicographically close words:
dists; disturb; disturbance; disturbances; disturbe; disturber; disturbers; disturbing; disturbingly; disturbs
  1. They also studied the art of war in defending the frontiers of the empire; but no important war disturbed the last fourteen years of this reign.

  2. Previous to the arrival of the vessel, the sparsely inhabited country had been somewhat disturbed by the Indians.

  3. Even this need not have materially disturbed the family had not Kingsburgh precipitated himself into the conflict, needlessly and recklessly.

  4. Ruth laughed, not in the least disturbed by Jim's complaints.

  5. A little murmur of surprise escaped Jack, and the intruder glanced up at her; he had been so intent on his work and so sure of not being discovered at that hour of the morning that he had not been disturbed by Jack's approach.

  6. But no frivolous ideas of a society existence now engaged Miss Bruce's attention, and she had no more idea of being disturbed than if she had been the original lady in the Garden of Eden.

  7. But no one disturbed him, so by and bye he went out.

  8. Unless he could keep the master disturbed by philosophic doubts, Scottie would expect to resume command of the ship.

  9. Of a sudden a great echoing shout disturbed the silence of the night.

  10. What his captors had said startled and disturbed him considerably.

  11. It disturbed him a little, even while it delighted him, that she should dance at all, that she should have learned to dance.

  12. She felt strangely nervous and disturbed as she set out.

  13. But that reflection did not trouble Ellen very long, and she had never been disturbed herself by the odor of the pipes.

  14. The visiting woman stared with a motion of adjustive bewilderment, as one might before a sudden change of wind, then she looked, as a shadowy motion disturbed the even light of the room and little Ellen passed the window.

  15. Yes," said Ellen, and she felt shamed and remorseful that her own affairs had been uppermost in her mind, and that Abby had supposed that she might be disturbed over this great trouble of her poor aunt's.

  16. He was completely puzzled and disturbed by the whole affair.

  17. Walker, as general in chief of a state disturbed by a revolution within and threatened with invasion from without, was, of course, the head of the government in the absence of the civil ruler.

  18. Europeans," he says, "are disturbed by the growth of the United States, and rightly so.

  19. In the election, when it was held, all the districts took part except the northeastern, which was disturbed by the presence of an invading army on its border and two pretenders to the presidency within its precincts.

  20. In such cases the distribution of mountain and valley may bear a resemblance to a mosaic of disturbed parts which stand at different levels (Fig.

  21. Inasmuch as the deposits were piled against the ice walls, the beds were disturbed at the sides when these walls disappeared, and the stratification, which was somewhat arched in the beginning, has been altered by sliding at both margins.

  22. Here the upper surface of the disturbed earth blocks betrays the evidence of a definite tilt in some one direction (Fig.

  23. Hidden as they so generally are, the fracture lines must be searched out by every means at our disposal, if we are not to be misled in accounting for the positions and the attitudes of disturbed rock masses.

  24. The block movements of the disturbed district.

  25. The noise lasted for some time, and disturbed me a great deal so that I did not sleep at all well.

  26. Night after night my sleep was disturbed by the most harrowing dreams, from which I invariably awoke with a start to find my heart beating violently, and my body bathed in perspiration.

  27. It was not, for whatever I did in no way disturbed it--it still remained plainly and ominously outlined on the wall.

  28. They were not heretics, but they disturbed the Church as much as the heretics did.

  29. But these minor discomforts in no sense disturbed their happiness.

  30. Meanwhile Bernardone, disturbed by his son's failure to return, sought for him in all quarters, and was not long in learning of his presence at St. Damian.

  31. The deacons' wives were especially disturbed by this last, as they might otherwise have gained many interesting particulars by proxy.

  32. And so she had disposed of all the considerations which had disturbed her, and had thought of no others.

  33. He appeared to be quite disturbed about something, and talked to his companion rapidly and excitedly, but in low tones.

  34. Very well; I am sorry if I disturbed you, Mrs. Montague.

  35. Mrs. Walton appeared to be greatly disturbed by these disagreeable tidings.

  36. It was not that which disturbed us; any Higgleston male would have done the same, but it was plain in the brief glimpse we had of him that he looked white and stricken.

  37. Nor had I even quite recovered the bodily equilibrium disturbed by my first encounter with the rending powers of life.

  38. Somehow the tone of the man disturbed him.

  39. Brooks who stood by as master of ceremonies, not in the least disturbed by the presence of the stranger.

  40. From the nature of the case, ordinary political conditions are disturbed or subverted, and electoral power loses its essential character, so as to be no longer entitled to that peculiar respect which it enjoys under American institutions.

  41. Speak to me; but, unless you would have the misery of a disturbed spirit on your conscience, bid me not despair!

  42. The sweet, kind face of Agatha disturbed him most.

  43. This belief much disturbed the comfort of Agatha's humble friends, for Adolphe Denot was not popular among them: there was a haughtiness in his manner to the poor, to which their own lords and masters had never accustomed them.

  44. The happiness of the last years of the old man's life was much disturbed by the events of the French revolution.

  45. No one disturbed them except the painted sportsman; and the song of the linnet and the thrush was heard all day, and that of the nightingale during the night.

  46. Perhaps it was something to be thankful for that, in the eclipse of learning during the disturbed middle ages, the art of writing history after the heroic manner was lost.

  47. The numerous visitors whom she was called upon to receive never disturbed her peace of mind, which ever retained the memory of its glimpse at heaven and the incomparable Virgin.

  48. I have disturbed and troubled you, Edith,” the young man said after awhile, “but I could not help it.

  49. Prayer and meditation, however, those best of medicines for disturbed souls, work their good effect for her, and she is able still to bear in silence, trusting that time will lift the stigma off her.

  50. Then Mr. Stanfield, disturbed in the midst of some speculation, testified by a grunt his welcome to a distant relative of his wife.

  51. Mrs. Yorke was much disturbed by this arrangement.

  52. You really frighten me,” insisted Fleurange with a disturbed air.

  53. The statesmen who govern those countries do not allow their slumbers to be disturbed by the decrees of the Council of the Vatican, and deem it beneath their dignity to regard them as a pretext to form a kind of Cæsaro-papism.

  54. Even among the more considerate, not every one has the modesty not to have his equanimity disturbed by having his advice asked and then disregarded.

  55. He had been disturbed in his meditations and prayers only once.

  56. He fairly writhed in his indignation during the night, the only night his Glenoro congregation had disturbed his slumbers, and the next morning he was no nearer a solution of his difficulties.

  57. And so the autumn passed very merrily for the minister of Glenoro, disturbed only by occasional doubts as to his course, until, with the opening of winter, came the Christmas holidays and Donald Neil.

  58. Then he crossed a sweet-scented pasture, with the dim, shadowy outlines of the cows lying here and there, the stillness broken now and then by the soft tinkle of a disturbed bell.

  59. Maitre Le Merquier, above his spectacles, looked at the curtain with a disturbed air.

  60. He was no longer angry with Jenkins for having disturbed him, and he knotted his cravat feverishly, forgetting in his new emotions how he had been upset a moment earlier, for ambition with him came before all else.

  61. It was the order of this love, then, this charity or attachment, which the sons of God disturbed when they forsook God, and were enamoured of the daughters of men.

  62. Of the social life, which, though most desirable, is frequently disturbed by many distresses.

  63. And for this purpose he must desire to be neither molested by pain, nor disturbed by desire, nor extinguished by death, that he may arrive at some useful knowledge by which he may regulate his life and manners.

  64. He emerged from the land of quiet and looked about him, like a stag disturbed by a stalker while grazing.

  65. The young man became at length so disturbed that he ventured to suggest to the trainer that all was not well.

  66. He had walked for an hour across the fields, blind and deaf to all about him, when an insistent sound from the outer world penetrated the outworks of his disturbed spirit.

  67. No feverish illusion, no morbid self-incrimination any longer disturbed the course of my ideas.

  68. You scarcely heard the sound of a cricket in the ditches, or a field-mouse disturbed in its slumbers, gliding through the tall grass with its low chipping whistle.

  69. He shook his head as if he would shake it off; it disturbed his morning tranquillity.

  70. White cliffs all round, wood-crowned, and as I lay I saw the glories of the dying day; No wind disturbed my sea; the sunlight was As though it came through windows of gold glass.

  71. Hence no rancour, no bitterness disturbed his relations with his antagonists.

  72. I fear I was more disturbed on account of my own reputation than for the cause of Jesus.

  73. Givens, when he was up issuing their presents about a month ago, threatened the traders severely if they disturbed the Indians in their devotions, or did any violence to their teachers.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disturbed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.