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Example sentences for "disturbingly"

Lexicographically close words:
disturbe; disturbed; disturber; disturbers; disturbing; disturbs; disulphide; disunion; disunionist; disunionists
  1. Disturbingly upon these thoughts appeared the face of Otway, the little beads of perspiration about his nose.

  2. Then he expectorated not in but to one side of a handsome polished brass cuspidor which contained not the least evidence of use, the rubber mat upon which it stood being instead most disturbingly "decorated.

  3. Not a tree, not a blade of grass; nothing but bare, rocky ground stretching in all directions to the horizon and a disturbingly harsh yellow sky.

  4. Not a tree, not a blade of grass; nothing but bare, rocky ground stretching in all directions to the horizon and disturbingly harsh yellow sky.

  5. Yours is so disturbingly positive a nature," remonstrated the other.

  6. Already that past, of which he had been a part, was becoming disturbingly unreal to him.

  7. And there is something so disturbingly immuring and depersonalizing about it!

  8. It seemed so disturbingly quiet that I even forgot about the hat.

  9. There was even something disturbingly animal-like in the birth of more offspring than one at a time, something almost revolting in this approach to the littering of one's young.

  10. Julie's companion had managed to make the latter part of the voyage somewhat too disturbingly intimate, and she hoped fervently that their ways would soon part.

  11. He contrived to make clear that what he chiefly resented in Julie was a certain disturbingly inefficacious flame of being, which he took occasion to compare to a light-house open to the winds of the seas.

  12. What she saw of the newcomer was quite startlingly, disturbingly attractive to her.

  13. So she leaned against the pillar and waited, her heart behaving disturbingly meanwhile.

  14. It was impossible not to think of him, rather disturbingly often, and to wonder how he was getting on.

  15. Something had died within her at his kiss--something new and disturbingly wonderful had been born in its place.

  16. In her new pride, in the excitement of her new career, Yetta seemed more disturbingly beautiful to him than ever.

  17. The face it framed was disturbingly lovely.

  18. For Helen, having known this girl, found it not any too easy to believe that her son could have relinquished her completely in so disturbingly brief a time.

  19. The description of the reception was disturbingly journalistic, which adjective, for Mr. Prohack, unfortunately connoted the adjective vulgar.

  20. Moreover Mimi was a secret which would have to be divulged, and this secret not only weighed heavy within him, but seemed disturbingly to counterbalance the secrets that Charlie was withholding.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disturbingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.