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Example sentences for "disunionists"

Lexicographically close words:
disturbingly; disturbs; disulphide; disunion; disunionist; disunite; disunited; disunity; disuse; disused
  1. It would give to the disunionists "disunion, without a struggle of their own.

  2. And now these disunionists come forward and ask aid in dissolving the Union.

  3. But for the disunionists at the South, Douglas went on to say, "I would have beaten Lincoln in every State but Vermont and Massachusetts.

  4. By a proclamation of war, we shall effectually play into the hands and gratify the disunionists of both extremes.

  5. There are disunionists South as well as North.

  6. It is the duty of patriotic men to checkmate the disunionists of both sections.

  7. Nay, more, he actually sides with the Disunionists in their claims.

  8. The election of such persons would be a positive encouragement to the disunionists of the South.

  9. He turns round and lectures us who are devoted to the Union, when his lecture should be addressed to the avowed and open Disunionists in this Chamber.

  10. The Disunionists of the Southern States are traitors to their country, and must be, and will be, subdued.

  11. The time had now come when the Southern Disunionists were to be put to the test.

  12. He was asked by Mr. Collamer of Vermont, whether he had ever "heard of any Northern Disunionists being in revolt against the government.

  13. Mr. Doolittle of Wisconsin said the use of the word "subjugation" in the resolution did not imply that it was not "the purpose of the Government to compel the Disunionists to submit to the Constitution and the laws.

  14. The people of the loyal States had "forborne with the Disunionists of the Southern States too much and too long.

  15. Mr. Polk of Missouri desired an amendment declaring that the war had been "forced upon the country by the Disunionists of the Southern and Northern States.

  16. Instead of indicting the Disunionists of the South, the poured out his wrath upon the Abolitionists of the North.

  17. He replied by asserting his belief that there were Disunionists North as well as South.

  18. It assembled one month after the Presidential election, and fifteen days before the Disunionists of South Carolina met in their ill-starred convention.

  19. South Carolina was urged forward in this course by leading Disunionists in other States who needed the force of one bold example of secession to furnish the requisite stimulus to their own communities.

  20. And I, who hate intrigue, and love the Union, can only speak of intriguers and disunionists with warmth and indignation.

  21. As soon as the presidential election was decided, and the choice of Abraham Lincoln was known, the disunionists in Missouri commenced their work.

  22. Undisguised disunionists are in complete possession of the State government, and the population is supposed to be ripe for revolt.

  23. The Disunionists had early a covetous eye upon the property of the Loyalists.

  24. As he had joined the disunionists it was ultimately made over to him by act of the Legislature.

  25. If the Loyalists were really a majority, as they claimed to be, the disunionists were determined to break them up.

  26. No good was accomplished by this association and the Disunionists proceeded on their way triumphant.

  27. General Ruggles tried to form a plan of combining the Loyalists against the Disunionists after the model of similar associations formed in other colonies.

  28. Was an Addresser of Hutchinson in 1774 and a Protester against the disunionists the same year.

  29. He had much to lose if he severed from his fealty to the mother country and, banishment and confiscation would be the penalty, if the disunionists succeeded.

  30. They were at once seized by the returning disunionists and condemned to be hanged.

  31. Very early in the Revolution the disunionists tried to drive the Loyalists into the rebel militia or into the Continental army by fines, and by obliging them to hire substitutes.

  32. It was by such means that the disunionists made converts to their cause.

  33. Upon a motion to include disunionists in the North under the first charge, Mr. Johnson voted in the negative with Sumner, Wilson, Wade, and other Republicans.

  34. The present deplorable war has been forced upon the country by the disunionists of the Southern States.

  35. This latter class are not Disunionists per se; they are so only because they have been made to believe that this Administration is inimical to their rights, and is making War on their domestic Institutions.

  36. The disunionists per se have seized hold of the disturbances growing out of the slavery question, all occasioned by this fatal step in 1854, to inflame the public mind of the South, and bring about the state of things which now exists.

  37. The mischief, he declared, was due to Southern disunionists and Northern Abolitionists.

  38. The Southern disunionists finally carried their section, but the Abolition disunionists never made the slightest approach to converting the North.

  39. The disunionists found that they had little popular support behind them.

  40. But you may say that, though it is not our aim, it will be the result if we succeed, and that we are therefore disunionists in fact.

  41. It would do for the disunionists that which, of all things, they most desire--feed them well and give them disunion without a struggle of their own.

  42. There were but few disunionists at the South, almost everybody said, and almost everybody believed what was said concerning the state of Southern opinion.

  43. And the South Carolina and Mississippi Disunionists openly avow, that they wish this to be the last contest of the kind.

  44. As this event was sure to lead to secession, the Disunionists were wild with delight.

  45. In October the disunionists became more bitter, but they were not disposed to be aggressive, as they thought Buchanan could be relied upon not to take any decisive action against them.

  46. He said: "The disunionists did not want me to take the oath of office.

  47. But he was very decided and determined as to what his duty was and what his action would be if the secessionists and disunionists pressed their case.

  48. Avowed disunionists constituted a large and influential portion of the Convention (profaning the name of Democrats) that met together at Chicago.

  49. Did a Democratic Convention ever before receive avowed Disunionists and traitors among its number?

  50. It would do for the disunionists that which of all things they most desire, feed them well, and give them disunion, without a struggle of their own.

  51. What cause, what excuse do disunionists give us for breaking up the best government on which the sun of heaven ever shed its rays?

  52. So largely in the ascendant was it and so confident were the disunionists in consequence that they, without warrant of law, assumed the responsibility of issuing a call for the Legislature of Maryland to convene in Baltimore.

  53. Erving, the diplomat, wrote from New York, "The real danger is in the fanatics and disunionists of the North".

  54. Calhoun and South Carolina, and the disunionists in the other Southern States were their bitter foes.

  55. And I, who hate intrigue and love the Union, can only speak of the intriguers and disunionists with warmth and indignation.

  56. It not only gave them the government, but power to pass themselves for the Union party, and for democrats; and to stigmatize all who refused to go with them as disunionists and abolitionists.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disunionists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.