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Example sentences for "displeasant"

Lexicographically close words:
displacing; display; displayed; displaying; displays; displease; displeased; displeases; displeaseth; displeasing
  1. He was comelie of stature, but of looke and countenance displeasant and angrie, somewhat cruell of nature, as by the writers of his time he is noted, and not so hardie as doubtfull in time of perill and danger.

  2. And there, considering the displeasant tytle, they curse the time of their entrance into the Labirinth, which hath in it so manie sundry delights, and the end of them subiect to such myserable and ineuitable necessity.

  3. Seeing that most gracious Nymphs, my speeches be not displeasant vnto you, and that I am not yet satis-fied in all that I haue seene, I pray you let me vnderstand this.

  4. A worke verie auncient and past record, in a very displeasant seate.

  5. The king although these conditions seemed verie hard and displeasant to his mind, yet was he driuen to such an extremitie that he granted to accept them, and so an agreement was made and had betwixt him and the lords.

  6. But there be soul depths for the which displeasant is no word.

  7. I come back now to the life of every day--that quiet humdrum life (as Milly hath it) which is so displeasant to young eager natures, and matcheth so well with them that be growing old and come to feel the need of rest.

  8. But hearing that the Cornishmen at home were ready to begin a new conspiracy, lest he should the more irritate and provoke them by that displeasant sight, he changed his purpose, for doubt to wrap himself in more trouble than needed.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "displeasant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.