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Example sentences for "distroy"

Lexicographically close words:
distributor; distributors; district; districts; distrito; distroyed; distrust; distrusted; distrustful; distrustfully
  1. Nether wes he, nor yit his posterittie commandit to distroy the idollis that wer in Canaan or in Egypt.

  2. I do not know whether they distroy little birds but their tallons indicate their capacity to do so if nature, has directed it.

  3. Clatsops and distroy several hundred of them, four of their chiefs fell victyms to it's ravages.

  4. The Wolves distroy great numbers of the antilopes by decoying those animals Singularly out in the plains and prosueing them alternetly, those antelopes are Curious and will approach any thing which appears in motion near them &c.

  5. Schir Alexander of Argill that saw The King distroy up, cleyn and law, 124 His land, send tretis to the King, And com his man but tarying; And he resavit him till his pes.

  6. And syne the towris everilkane And wallis gert he tummyll doune: 452 He levit nocht about that toune Tour standand, stane no wall, That he na haly gert distroy all.

  7. Butt when wee left the Stockadose, the prissnars beggs of us to carry them away with us, crying that the Indians would distroy them all, soe when wee departed that Place wee carried with us what wee possibly could.

  8. For so the religyus commandyt has, To omdo and distroy al maner thyng Quhilk may ȝon wareit man to memor bring.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "distroy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.