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Example sentences for "maner"

Lexicographically close words:
mane; maned; maneh; maneless; manent; manera; maneras; manere; maneres; manerii
  1. By maistir Gerard de leew a man of grete wysedom in all maner of kunnyng: whych nowe is come from lyfe unto the deth, which is grete harme for many [a] poure man.

  2. Therfore I haue practysed & lerned at my grete charge and dispence to ordeyne this saide book in prynte after the maner & forme as ye may here see.

  3. When Venus first enters Mercury's "palais," she "ne found ne sey no maner wight.

  4. Alas, and there hath she no socour, For she ne found ne sey no maner wight.

  5. The Order and maner for the true placing of the Mappes in this Booke.

  6. Please you to wete that the pryour and convent of Norwych have wyth holden certeyn rent for londes that they holden of me wythynne my maner of Harlyston, and the ij.

  7. Sidenote: 1455] These ben the injuries, losses, and damages that the seyd Fastolf hath had, as well withynne this royaume of England as in othir parties in maner and fourme as it ensewith.

  8. And ze must bryng with zow a forme of a supplicacyon made at London in what maner wyse Mr. R.

  9. I walked aboute all the lordeschippes and spake with all the fermours and tennaunts that longen to the maner to undrestande her disposessyon and to receyve money of hem; and I fynde [them] ryght weele disposed to you.

  10. Item, John Andrewe hathe in fee yerly of the maner of Coughaugh xxs.

  11. And ane othir come eftir neir: And rycht apon the sammyn maner Thai com, quhill seven battellis braid Out-our that high ryg passit had.

  12. Vittalis, that mycht nocht tursit be, On this maner distroit he.

  13. The King him thankit curtesly, 350 And betaucht him gud men that were Weill knawin of that landis wer, And the maner thar-of alsua.

  14. And sua strate wes the up-cummyng That twa men mycht nocht sammyn thryng, Na on na maner pres thame sua That thai sammyn the land mycht ta.

  15. Qwhen Schir Amer, as I herd tald, With his men that wes stout and bald, Wes cum so neir the Kyng that thai 524 War bot a myle fra hym away, He tuk avisment with his men, On quhat maner thai suld do then.

  16. Thai broucht hir quhill scho com weill neir: Than mycht men se on seir maner Sum men defend, and sum assale Full besaly with gret travale.

  17. Berwik wes on this maner Reskewit, and thai that thar-in wer.

  18. Douglas attacks the Forayers] Qwhen the King on this maner 315 Dantit the Iles, as I tell her, The gud Schir James of Dowglas In-till the Forest duelland was, Defendand worthely the land.

  19. On this maner thaim governyt thai, Till they come to the hed of Tay.

  20. That the bretherne may not resceive any coyne or money: I commande stedfastly and straitly too all the bretherne that in no wise they resceive any maner of coyne or money, nother by them self nor by none other meane person.

  21. And, accordynge too the holy gospelle, they may ete of all maner of mettis whiche be sette before them.

  22. The maner how the bretherne shall use and occupie them self in bodily labour.

  23. Savyng this alwaies that lyke as yt is before saide they may nat resceive ony maner of coyne or money.

  24. Ther is a maner tree, as seith seint Isidre, that whan men maken fyr of thilke tree, and covere the coles of it with asshen, soothly the fyr of it wol lasten al a yeer or more.

  25. An hundred lordes hadde he with him there, Al armed, sauf hir heddes, in al hir gere, 2180 Ful richely in alle maner thinges.

  26. I gesse, 1575 That ye han maad a maner straungenesse Bitwixen me and my cosyn daun Iohn.

  27. He never yet no vileinye ne sayde 70 In al his lyf, un-to no maner wight.

  28. Andrew Baynton, in the letter already mentioned, speaks of his "master" as being "the first author of our nation or of the french mennes selfe that hath so farre waded in all maner thinges necessary to reduce that tong under rules certayne.

  29. Yet another favourite subject is next introduced--a conversation on buying and selling: Other maner of speche to bye and selle.

  30. Then follows another "manner of speeche" in a list of salutations arranged in dialogue form: Other maner of speche in frensshe.

  31. Further, he alledged that it was to be considered, how the said barons and great men being summoned to come in due maner vnto that parlement, they came in forceable wise with all their powers.

  32. Sir, ye sent me a letter of atorney to reseyve and to ocupye in your name the maner called Burnevyles in Nakton.

  33. Item, speke to zowr atorney in the Kyngis benche that he take hed to all maner indytamentis both old and new and to all oder materis that hangyng ther.

  34. First to be remembird that the seid maner aswell as the maner of Nakton were Sir John Fastolffis, and that the seid Paston of the seid maners toke estatis at Cotton and attornement of the tenauntis viij.

  35. Soo that he may have the ferste choise of alle suche goodes afore eny other man, and in especiall of all maner bokes, ornementes, and other necessaries as nowe late were perteyning to the Duke of Gloucestre.

  36. And this:-- Here endth the firste boke of all maner sores the whyche fallen moste commune and withe the grace of gode I will writte the ij Boke the whyche ys cleped the Antitodarie Explicit quod scripcit Thomas Rosse.

  37. He was buried in y^e best maner they could, with some vollies of shott by all that bore armes; and his wife, being a weak woman, dyed within 5.

  38. Truly a straunge maner of reuenge, if the Captain's cruelty had not attempted like inhumanity.

  39. She that was of Spirite, and Wit subtle, marked the lookes and maner of Anselmo, who neyther for loue, ne other cause did render like lookes on him, but to see to what ende his louing cheere and Countenaunce would tend.

  40. In like maner reason it is, that she hir selfe do remedy my disease, of whom I receiued the prycke, and which is the first foundation of all mine euil.

  41. Which History resembleth in a maner a Tragical Comedy, comprehending the very same matter and Argument, wherewyth the greatest part of the sottishe sorte Arme themselues to couer and defend their Follies.

  42. The Lady that was young, wise and discrete, marking the maner of hir husband, feared that he had some misliking of hir.

  43. Theophilus the doctor, and the generall consent of all writers, which fullie consent, that the first inhabitants of this Ile came out of the parties of Gallia, although some of them dissent about the time and maner of their comming.

  44. The Sabine warres beinge in this sorte ended, Tarquinius in tryumphaunt maner retourned to Rome.

  45. And thus oftentimes remembringe the crueltie of loue, and his ladies tyrrany, hee began to dye in maner like a wight replete with despaire.

  46. Afterward these miraculous women liuing after this maner in peace and iustice, considered that by succession of time, for want of daughters that might succeede, warres, and time, would extinguish their race.

  47. But they holding downe their heads, passed forth not speaking a word: in this maner the Scholler was requited so well as he could of the deceites done against him, by the three Gentlewomen aforesaid.

  48. Amadour vnderstanding well by those woordes, that she had desyre to remedy her owne necessitie, vsed the best maner he coulde deuise, to the intent that in makyng her beleue a lye, he should hyde from her the truthe.

  49. For she considered, that if she went thither in order and apparell of a mayden, she should incur the perill of her virginity, and fall into the lapse of diuers other daungers, purposed then to go thyther in maner of a Page and lacky.

  50. And is this the maner of your contempt of Ladies that were foolish and vaine, whose light behauiour you dissembled so much to abhorre?

  51. To asspie the maner was his enten[t|], Hem̄ to accuse agayne honoure.

  52. Lukafer comes That he wolde gif him lysence, 1956 to the Soudan and To the prisoners for to goon̄, asks leave to see the To see the maner of her presence.

  53. Florip wente in, as the maner was, them to arm.

  54. Musyng on a maner how {that} I myght make.

  55. Wythin shorte tyme to noo maner shade ¶ Where thorough the game is lykly to fade.

  56. Of all maner frute she had the gouernaunce ¶ Of fauours odyferous was her sustynauns ¶ Next to her than was god Neptunus set.

  57. And what maner capteins he to {the} feld brou{gh}t ¶ Hymselfe sekerly was the fyrst man.

  58. And from thense in maner departe sodenly.

  59. And in lyke maner the said tenante and they that shall succede to have fre curse and recurse to ther tenement with all maner of caryage necessarie without any maner of interrupcion of the said Jamys or they that shall succede.

  60. B, and as this way is light to doo, so is it certaine inoughe for any kinde of workinge.

  61. To draw a circle in any square quadrate appointed.

  62. Also Englishmen, they had from the begynnynge thre maner speeche, northerne, sowtherne, and middel speeche in the middle of the lande, as they come of the maner peple of Germania.

  63. As it is knowne how meny maner peple beeth in this land: There beeth also so many dyvers longages and tongues.

  64. Quhethir, in tyme of were, the ass and the ox suld bathe joise a maner of priuilege.

  65. Here previs the Autour playnly how gage of bataill is reprovit be all maner of lawis.

  66. Quhethir gif Pilleryns may be maid presoneris be ony maner of weris of armes.

  67. How and in quhat maner thai suld gouerne thair hele keping.

  68. The form and maner of thair Aithis that suld fecht in barrieris of close listis in felde.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maner" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.