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Example sentences for "like maner"

  • They keepe in like maner a generall feast with great banquets that day their king was borne.

  • By Saynct Mary I neede to take heede least hereafter in like maner thou as impudently do triumph of my death, being but a crokebacke and deformed man.

  • In like maner reason it is, that she hir selfe do remedy my disease, of whom I receiued the prycke, and which is the first foundation of all mine euil.

  • And sith your pleasure consisteth in mine ouerthrow, reason willeth that I obey you, and by deth to sacrifice my life in like maner as by life you were the only mistresse of my heart.

  • In like maner on the other side, king John hauing his armie in a readinesse, hasted foorth towards the borders of Scotland, and comming to the castell of Norham, prepared to inuade the Scots.

  • They have great increase of sheep in like maner, and dayly do intend to increase them.

  • The Indians make drinke of it, and in like maner meat to eat.

  • Comming to the road where the English, Dutch, and French ships rode, the gunners discharged, and the ships shot in like maner 46.

  • In like maner when as they ship or sende away any of their countrey commodities from S.

  • It is a pastime to read how Natalis Comes in like maner, speaking of our affaires, dooth clip the names of our English lords.

  • In like maner I find, that from the elbow to the top of the midle finger is the 4.

  • In like maner Dion in Seuero maketh the one of 891.

  • Albons the 22 of Februarie, he spoiled the towne & abbie, in like maner as he had doone all the townes and villages by the way as he passed through the countrie, from Bedford vnto S.

  • The Emperour neuer putteth morsell of meate in his mouth, but he first blesseth it himselfe, and in like maner as often as he drinketh: for after his maner he is very religious, and he esteemeth his religious men aboue his noble men.

  • Ienkinson stepped into the midst of the chamber before the Emperours maiestie, and gaue thankes to his highnesse for his goodnesse vnto him extended, desiring his grace to licence him to depart, and in like maner did M.

  • And moreouer the common people vse to carie in their hands one of their red egs, not onely vpon Easter day, but also three or foure dayes after, and gentlemen and gentlewomen haue egs gilded which they cary in like maner.

  • The French Geographers in like maner be of the same opinion, as by their Mappe cut out in forme of a Hart you may perceiue: as though the West Indies were part of Asia.

  • In like maner is this current in Mare Glaciale increased and maintained by the Dwina, the riuer Ob, &c.

  • Some other write in like maner, that king Malcolme did homage to king William and duke Robert that brought the said Edgar Etheling into the fauour of the king.

  • In like maner Roger de Bygod, departing from Norwich, with great forraies ouerrode and robbed all the countries about, and conueied such riches as he had gotten into the said citie.

  • In like maner, pope Urban calling a councell at Clermont in Auuergne, exhorted the christian princes so earnestlie to make a iourneie into the holie land, [Sidenote: The iournie into the holie land.

  • Now in like maner will I alledge some fewe Inductions out of the autenticall writings of the Ecclesiasticall Historiographers, all tending to the like argument.

  • M5) In like maner he burned the citie Hay, slew the inhabitants thereof, and hanged vp their King.

  • But the Apothecarie denied him, as did in like maner Master S.

  • In like maner, euery Tartarian Duke entreth on the West side into his tent.

  • In like maner Cyrpodan, who is as yet beyond the sea, making war against certaine Soldans of the Saracens, and other inhabitants of farre countries.

  • Afterwarde the whole multitude kneeled downe in like maner, except our selues, for wee were none of his subiects.

  • The Fortresses also, I would builde concernyng the diches and the walles in like maner, to the intent thei should have the like difficultie to be wonne.

  • In like maner, I purpose not to violate the faith, which I haue giuen to my husband, but I intend to keepe the same vnspotted, so long as my soule shalbe caried in the Chariot of this mortall body.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "like maner" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bronze sword; like all; like anybody; like appearance; like best; like everybody; like face; like fashion; like fire; like her; like leaves; like lightning; like nature; like quantity; like reason; like spirit; like spots; like that; like this; like tone; like you very much; like your; military post; one hundred years ago; power and; three hundred and fifty