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Example sentences for "divarsion"

Lexicographically close words:
divagation; divagations; divalent; divan; divans; dive; dived; divel; divell; divels
  1. I will forgive you if you do, for it is likely that we should have some divarsion after turning out, instead of marching out and back again like a regiment of omadhouns.

  2. I understand, Major; but I suppose that in case you are attacked we may take a share in any divarsion that is going on?

  3. Then there was the fine play, and the best divarsion ever ye seen.

  4. My father and grandfather both died of a divarsion of blood to the head.

  5. I rather think," observed another, "that they died by taking their divarsion at the beefsteak and the pot of porter.

  6. I can endure,' sez I; ould Mother Sheehy bein' no divarsion av mine, nor her daughter too.

  7. Sir, there's a power of divarsion in that.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "divarsion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.