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Example sentences for "donis"

Lexicographically close words:
dong; donga; dongas; dongeon; doni; donjon; donjons; donk; donkey; donkeys
  1. Mi donis akvon al la birdoj = I gave water to the birds.

  2. La patro donis la libron al sia filo = The father gave the book to his son.

  3. La batito tute meritis la punon, kiun la batinto donis al li = The beaten one quite deserved the punishment that the beater gave him.

  4. Mi donis al li la libron tian, kia ĝi estas = I gave him the book such as it was.

  5. Li donis al mi du ŝilingojn page por la libro = He gave me two shillings in payment for the book.

  6. Here was he, lonelier than before receipt of the advices of 'Donis Moore, in that now he knew what earlier he only had suspected he was missing.

  7. A sincere wish to explore the greatest Main Street on any map, whose denizens so far had shown themselves elusive as outlaw broncs to a set-down puncher, had moved him to acceptance of the suggestion of 'Donis Moore.

  8. The statute of mortmain was passed to restrain the giving of lands to the Church, the statute DE DONIS to prevent alienation to laymen.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "donis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.