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Example sentences for "eming"

Lexicographically close words:
eminences; eminency; eminent; eminente; eminently; emirate; emirates; emirs; emissaries; emissary
  1. After this the senat was called togither, who discoursed of manie things touching this honourable victorie atchiued by the taking of Caratake, estéeming the same no lesse glorious, than when P.

  2. The lords and great men, séeming not greatlie to fauour the Londoners, gaue counsell that the insolent pride of those presumptuous persons might with speed be repressed.

  3. This diuision, which the water made in that place, the one part séeming as it were not to come néere to the other, was iudged to signifie the reuolting of the subiects of this land from their naturall prince.

  4. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.