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Example sentences for "enemye"

Lexicographically close words:
enemie; enemies; enemigo; enemigos; enemy; enemyes; enemys; energetic; energetically; energetics
  1. For hit is a fowll thynge for a man to renne to the deth for the enemye of his lyf/ And a wyse man and a stronge man ought not to flee for his lyf/ but to yssue For ther is no man that lyueth/ but he must nedes dye.

  2. This devise is more sure than the Parculles, because hardely it maye be of the enemye lette in such wise, that it fall not downe, falling not by a righte line as the Parculles, which easely may be underpropped.

  3. The Lorde of Southerland, sithens he was hurte, is becom a greate enemye of the Franches.

  4. And make accompt, that euery day euen at the dore of thine owne lodging, thy enemye armed doth waite for thee: we alone yong gentlemen of the Citie do stand at defiance, and pronounce vppon thee this kinde of battaile.

  5. The same Stagge vpon a time, when newes came that the enemye had made incursion into his campe, amased with the haste and turmoile, ranne awaye and hid him selfe in a marishe harde adioyning.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enemye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.