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Example sentences for "enemie"

Lexicographically close words:
endyte; ene; enema; enemas; enemata; enemies; enemigo; enemigos; enemy; enemye
  1. But the force of the current of the Riuer is so great, and the coast there is so shallow and gentle, that the fresh water entreth farre into the Sea.

  2. After noonetide we had contrary wind, which still was our enemie in all our iourney, at the least from the point of the port of Santa Cruz.

  3. We stayed in this harbour to passe all this businesse but onely 31 dayes, and in this time we were occupied with skirmishes and attempts of the enemie 11.

  4. Her foes are growne her head, and live at Peace, Because when her transgressions did increase, The Lord strooke her with sadnesse: Th'enemie Doth drive her children to captivitie.

  5. For like an enemie Iehova is, 105 Devouring Israel, and his Palaces, Destroying holds, giving additions To Iuda's daughters lamentations.

  6. Both of you know Banquo was your Enemie Murth.

  7. Who answered, by reason the Kinge is the greatest enemie hee hath in the world.

  8. And since his coronation no enemie of his hath preuailed in his attempts.

  9. Item, if you shall vnderstand as you are outwards bound, that the enemie is gone before you to S.

  10. It is possible that some in some times should receiue their reward for looking vpon an enemie, and ours in this time not receiue so much as thanks for hauing beaten an enemie at handie strokes?

  11. And do not ours in these dayes liue obscured in Flanders, either not hauing wherewithall to manage any warre, or not putting on armes, but to defend themselues when the enemie shall procure them?

  12. The enemie hauing reasonable companie both of horse and footemen, stoode in a readinesse some good distance without the towne to welcome vs, and to encounter the Lorde Generall.

  13. Of which the dishonour and losse to the Queene had bene farre greater then the spoyle or harme that the enemie could any way haue receiued.

  14. Of the straunge and beastlie nature of Timon of Athens, enemie to mankinde, with his death, buriall, and Epitaphe.

  15. Then he fled to the Volscians, of whom he was gently interteigned: and lodged in the house of Accius Tullius, the chiefe of that citie, and a deadly enemie to the Romaynes.

  16. Amonges whom Martius Coriolanus a yonge gentleman was the chiefest, who being an enemie to the Tribune authoritie, said these woords.

  17. Plato and Aristophanes do report his marueylous nature, because hee was a man but by shape onely, in qualities hee was the capitall enemie of mankinde, which he confessed franckely vtterly to abhorre and hate.

  18. Which ended and the enemie put to flighte, the Emperour wente into Prouance, to put in order his affaires in his realme of Arles, which then was subiecte to the Empire.

  19. But what will ye doe, if the enemie vpon the sodaine, dothe approche the walles?

  20. My onely Loue sprung from my onely hate, Too early seene, vnknowne, and knowne too late, Prodigious birth of Loue it is to me, That I must loue a loathed Enemie Nur.

  21. His name is Romeo, and a Mountague, The onely Sonne of your great Enemie Iul.

  22. For hee beeing the enemie of mans Salvation, vses al the meanes he can to entrappe them so farre in his snares, as it may be vnable to them thereafter (suppose they would) to rid themselues out of the same.

  23. But the first morninge when I boare with the harbor, almost all the fleet came to an ancker by the point Saint Sebastian a league wide of me, and gaue the enemie leasure to send men and all necessaries aboard.

  24. And when God had giuen vs victorie, my perswasions nor protestations could make them that were sea-commaunders go or send vp to possess the fleet of the Indies, whiles we assailed the towne, so as the enemie had almost 48.

  25. But the General perceiuing that the enemie woulde not abandon the place, with a valiant courage made to the shore, and altogether leaping into the water vp to the middle, maintained the fight with the enemy.

  26. For therefore ought they alwayes to send forth band against band and troupe against troupe, because the Tartar euer practiseth to gette his enemie in the midst and so to enuiron him.

  27. Sidenote: Siluer cast at the enemie instead of stones.

  28. All strangenesse and selfe-particularitie in our manners and conditions, is to be shunned, as an enemie to societie and civill conversation.

  29. Many a Battaile haue I wonne in France, When as the Enemie hath beene tenne to one: Why should I not now haue the like successe?

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enemie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.