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Example sentences for "enemyes"

Lexicographically close words:
enemies; enemigo; enemigos; enemy; enemye; enemys; energetic; energetically; energetics; energic
  1. And the more hastily renne vpon his enemyes And for as moche as the Iuge, the knyght/ and the vicaire.

  2. To þe whiche loone we trust þat our personel beyng here among our enemyes in þis our tendir age shal muche þe more meve yow for to take yow nigh to serve oure desire.

  3. Their enemyes as we may be in their power!

  4. Are they not unmercifull in their natures to such as are in their power, their Enemyes as we may be?

  5. Thus with suche thinges the tonges of yvel shal ben stilled; els fully to graunte thy ful meninge, for-sothe ever was and ever it shal be, that myn enemyes 80 ben aferde to truste to any fightinge.

  6. With purse they purchase personage, With purse they paynen hem to plede; 270 And men of warre they woll wage, To bringe hir enemyes to the dede.

  7. And thanne the Cristene men wenten, where hem lykede best, at hire own plesance, with outen lettynge of ony creature; and hire enemyes enclosed and confounded in derknesse, with outen ony strok.

  8. Lever I had,’ sayde Wyllyam, ‘With my sworde in the route to renne, Then here among myne enemyes wode Thus cruelly to bren.

  9. Thus be these good yomen gon to the wode, As lyghtly as lefe on lynde; They laugh and be mery in theyr mode, Theyr enemyes were farr behynde.

  10. Also in this yere was gret losse of shippes in the narwe see on oure party, be enemyes of Depe, Boloigne, and Bretayne.

  11. And make hym blessyd in erthe here levyng, And preserve hym in al manere thyng, And special among kynges alle, In enemyes handes that he nevere falle.

  12. XCIV Thus be these good yeman gon to the wode As lyghtly as lefe on lynde[684]; They laughe and be mery in theyr mode, Theyr enemyes were farre behynd.

  13. In this poynt could never our enemyes caus us to fainte, for Our first Petitioun was, "That the reverent face of the primitive and apostolick Churche should be reduced agane to the eyes and knowledge of men.

  14. Crist comaundeth ech a creature To conformen hym to lovye, And sovereynly the povere peple, And hir enemyes after.

  15. Read] Myne enemyes have labord much, but my worst afflyctyon is thy lamented absence which may endanger us alyke.

  16. Thus be these good yeman gon to the wod As lyghtly, as lefe on lynde;[740] The lough and be mery in theyr mode, Theyr enemyes were ferr behynd.

  17. He tells him that his modest behaviour and humility hath gayned him the Love and good report of the Country where he now Lives and allso in the Court, yet his Enemyes depraue all.

  18. She filled the skyes with the smoke of her shott, And her enemyes bodyes with bullets soe hott; For one of her owne men a score killed shee: Was not this a brave bonny lasse, Mary Ambree?

  19. Before that I doe see the worst of you all come in the danger of your enemyes thrall, this hand & this sword shall first sett him free;" was not this a braue bonye lasse, Mary Aumbree?

  20. When the barons in armes did king Henrye oppose, Sir Simon de Montfort their leader they chose; 86 A leader of courage undaunted was hee, And oft-times he made their enemyes flee.

  21. Sayes Amarant, Ile murther any way, With enemyes all vantages are good: O could I poyson in thy nostrills blowe, 95 Besure of it I wold dispatch thee soe.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enemyes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.