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Example sentences for "engrossers"

Lexicographically close words:
engraving; engravings; engro; engross; engrossed; engrosses; engrossing; engrossment; engulf; engulfed
  1. Over and above all this, the clergy are, in all of them, the greatest engrossers of land.

  2. The statute of the twelfth of the present king, which repeals almost all the other ancient laws against engrossers and forestallers, does not repeal the restrictions of this particular statute, which therefore still continue in force.

  3. And neither the petty constable nor any other officer can (as they inform us) present any engrossers of corn, etc.

  4. He had found in his youth, he says, that "what was called general freedom was general bondage, and that the popular assertors of liberty were the greatest engrossers of it too, and not unfitly called its keepers.

  5. Having inquired into the causes of the late scarcity, they agreed to several resolutions, and a bill was brought in to explain and amend the laws against regraters, forestalled, and engrossers of corn.

  6. Notwithstanding the large imports of grain from different parts of Europe and America, the artifice of engrossers still kept up the price of corn.

  7. The sultan assembled the troops, quieted the insurgents, ordered the engrossers of corn to be executed, and in a little time the repose of the city was reestablished.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "engrossers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.