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Example sentences for "engrossment"

Lexicographically close words:
engross; engrossed; engrossers; engrosses; engrossing; engulf; engulfed; engulfing; engulfs; engulph
  1. Then, gradually, into his self-engrossment there penetrated a conviction that all was not well between his father and his mother.

  2. Her engrossment in her own reflection irritated him, so he did not look at her.

  3. O manlike man that thus could phrase divorce that from her heart's engrossment had cut her life asunder!

  4. Yes, in all the tumultuous pride and engrossment of that, there was no place--how could there be place?

  5. To that third reading Mr. Benton looked for his opportunity to speak; and availed himself of it, commencing his speech with giving the reason why he did not speak the evening before when the question was on the engrossment of the bill.

  6. The question was stated on the engrossment of the bill for a third reading.

  7. The question was then taken, and the engrossment refused, 49 to 53, as follows: YEAS.

  8. Even in the more rugged parts of the cotton belt and in the tobacco zone as well, the same tendency toward the engrossment of estates prevailed, though in milder degree and with lesser effects.

  9. But in spite of this adverse report, the Senate passed the measure on second reading and sent it to engrossment and third reading.

  10. But even so, it passed second reading and went to engrossment and third reading.

  11. Webster was the first American professional scholar, and despite his frequent engrossment in public concerns and his endless public controversies, there was always something sequestered and almost medieval about him.

  12. This engrossment in the quarrels of foreign nations was what Washington warned against in his Farewell Address.

  13. Now this entire engrossment in worldly cares, even though professedly for Christ's sake, will never illumine the dark recesses of the earth--will never usher in the millenial day.

  14. It was in the engrossment of the occupations and cares presented in this brief reference to the history of the time, that I have now to introduce my reader to Cornwallis.

  15. Therefore she feigned enormous engrossment in her algebra, and struggled to make herself as small and inoffensive as she could.

  16. Her hat was of the kind that other girls study with cool diligence, while feigning engrossment in the conversation; and, repairing to their milliners, give orders for accurate copies of it.

  17. And I really do not believe that in my intense engrossment I would have noticed the words that fell from the brothers, but for a peculiar circumstance--that of the mention of our own name!

  18. Self-engrossment closed him in a magic prison-house of discontent.

  19. Both terms express the engrossment of the self in an object.

  20. If the ends which form the mark seem narrow and selfish to adults, it is only because adults (by means of a similar engrossment in their day) have mastered these ends, which have consequently ceased to interest them.

  21. Charlotte's engrossment in her new life, her eagerness to please her master, was a contemptible weakness to this embittered heart.

  22. In that merciful engrossment she could forget her heart-sick weariness and the jarring strangeness of things; every lesson conquered was another step taken on the long road home.

  23. And in their engrossment the two young people hardly noticed how the time flew.

  24. Kaffirs to animals; on the engrossment of the women by the Kaffir chiefs.

  25. She was watching her toe at work with an engrossment of the most, apparently, intense kind.

  26. She handled bucket and spade with the same earnestness, eagerness and engrossment with which she had fingered the pen.

  27. They did not think about him, his cowardice was as unimportant to them in their mutual engrossment as his body was to the indifferent self-sufficiency of the landscape.

  28. In a moment all the self-engrossment of her bashfulness was gone.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "engrossment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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