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Example sentences for "scrip"

Lexicographically close words:
scrimmage; scrimmages; scrimp; scrimped; scrimping; scripsi; scripsit; script; scripta; scription
  1. Dey will not take de scrip at eighty-two, and I tink dey are right.

  2. As in his scrip we dropt our little store, And wept to think that little was no more, He breath'd his prayer, "Long may such goodness live!

  3. To me one little hour devote, And lay thy staff and scrip beside thee; Read in the temper that he wrote, And may his gentle spirit guide thee!

  4. But he had been busy with his scrip which he had left cast down there, and therewithal reached out to her a mighty hunch of bread and a piece of white cheese, and said: "Now shall I fetch thee milk.

  5. When stock subscriptions are payable in installments, a form of receipt called a scrip or installment certificate is issued.

  6. These scrip certificates are bound in book form similar to stock certificates.

  7. As payments are made they are endorsed on the back of this certificate, and when all payments have been made the scrip is exchanged for a regular stock certificate.

  8. Sometimes the scrip certificate takes the form of an installment receipt for the amount paid, all receipts being surrendered to the company when payments have been completed.

  9. The spoken and conclusive word of the first was that it was his intention to commit to this one's keeping everything which he had; the assertion of the second being that with this scrip I received all that he possessed.

  10. The smallest school district can issue scrip in payment of its teacher, or can issue bonds for the construction of its school-house.

  11. Certain states, within whose borders public lands did not exist, being unable to hold lands in other states or territories, sold scrip at less than half the price asked by the government for lands.

  12. On this city scrip our bank must have lost about ten thousand dollars.

  13. In payment for the lumber and the work of contractors, the city authorities paid scrip in even sums of one hundred, five hundred, one thousand, and five thousand dollars.

  14. Triboulet girded the sword and scrip to his side, took the bladder in his hand, ate some few of the apples, and drunk up all the wine.

  15. Therewith she went out of the chamber and came back again with a scrip which she gave to Ralph and said: "Herein is a flask of drink for the waterless country, and a little meat for the way.

  16. No allowance appeared to be made for the effect of bounty land scrip that was likely to reduce them still more.

  17. If there is no treaty made, scrip cannot be given.

  18. After the declarations and scrip payments were concluded, we took stock of the surroundings, which consisted, so far as numbers went, mainly of dogs.

  19. By the end of the first week in July the issue of scrip certificates began to fall off, though the declarations were still numerous.

  20. This was a slow process, involving in every case a careful search of the five elephant folios containing the records of the bygone issues of scrip in Manitoba and the organized Territories.

  21. The Government does not make treaty with them, as they live as white men do, so it gives them scrip to settle their claims at once and forever.

  22. He had joined the Indian Treaty here, but repented, almost flinging his payment in our face, and demanding scrip instead.

  23. They can take, if they like, instead of this scrip for 240 acres, lands where they like.

  24. But we issued an unexpectedly large number of scrip certificates here, and the price being run up by competition, a great deal of trade followed.

  25. It was necessary in order to prevent the issue of scrip to parties who had already received it elsewhere.

  26. The place was covered with tepees and tents, and no less than four trading marquees had been pitched pending the scrip issue, which it took some time to complete.

  27. Ordinary money was not received in the public stores, but a sort of scrip canceled on use and good for a limited time only.

  28. I have spoken of the public-store scrip commanding several hundred per cent premium over money, but that was in the earlier stages of the transition period.

  29. I suppose my two friends have begun their little game already,' he thought, as he slipped the scrip into his breast pocket.

  30. When the office was empty, Slivers would go on sorting the scrip on his table, drinking his whisky, or talking to Billy.

  31. Going up,' said Polglaze, as he handed the scrip to Vandeloup and got a cheque in exchange.

  32. Slivers had pushed all the scrip and loose papers away, and was writing a letter in the little clearing caused by their removal.

  33. But by her I do not receive the scrip of a pen from any body.

  34. Of two months which then remained, six weeks have elapsed without one scrip of a pen, or one word from a minister, except a vague proposition at an accidental meeting.

  35. Scrip was useless to them, and the Legals were raiding all cargoes destined for Wayne's section.

  36. Resentment flared, but the scrip was the only money available, and it still bound the people to the new regime.

  37. But it was in the printing-press scrip of Legal currency, useful only through Mayor Gannett's trick Exchanges.

  38. You will then buy scrip against deliveries on your former sales and report to me here at 11 a.

  39. Keep on selling till they reach five shillings, please, then buy scrip through another broker, or more, as fast as possible, until we stand even.

  40. Partly; and partly in United States scrip and gold.

  41. I know exactly what you have in your pocket, a five dollar goldpiece and four dollars in United States scrip that won't be worth anything after the Confederacy gets done with the North.

  42. Then when the soup was made, Boots challenged his new friend to an eating-match; and tying his scrip in front of him, proceeded to pour soup into it by the ladleful.

  43. He pulled a cheese out of his scrip and squeezed it till the whey began to spurt out.

  44. He rose to his feet, crossed the room towards his desk, which he unlocked with a key attached to a gold chain, and returned with a bundle of scrip in his hand.

  45. I have ventured to see your lordship once more," Mr. Wadham began, "with reference to the scrip which we deposited at the bank to meet certain liabilities on your behalf.

  46. Mr. Wadham, Junior, took the bundle of scrip into his hand, and glanced hastily through it.

  47. This says that holders of scrip may exchange, for bonds; it does not say they must exchange," he said finally.

  48. In spite of the evident intention of the Legislature that city scrip should be retired in favour of bonds, it was ruled that the word may in place of the word must practically nullified that intention.

  49. Through skilful and secret agents Neil had acquired a great deal of scrip issued by the city for various public works and services which the holders had not yet exchanged for the new bonds.

  50. Even labour was paid now in scrip so depreciated that the cost of the simplest public works was terrible.

  51. Why, you take your scrip to the proper official and exchange it for an equal value of State bonds.

  52. Such scrip shall be redeemable in not less than twenty nor more than, forty years from the date thereof, shall bear interest not exceeding six per cent.

  53. But the boy is plaiting a pretty locust-cage with stalks of asphodel, and fitting it with reeds, and less care of his scrip has he, and of the vines, than delight in his plaiting.

  54. For his sustentation and comfort he carried on his back a scrip with some bread in it, and a wooden flagon of wine.

  55. The girl was silent, she knew not what to say; she took up the sick man's scrip and slung it over her shoulder with her own.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scrip" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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