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Example sentences for "enza"

Lexicographically close words:
enwraps; enwrapt; enwreathed; enwrought; enything; enzymatic; enzyme; enzymes; enzymic
  1. These are the cathedrals of Sigüenza and Avila.

  2. Humboldt says that Sigüenza inherited Ixtlilxochitl’s collection; and that it was preserved in the College of San Pedro till 1759.

  3. The next after Ixtlilxochitl to become conspicuous as a collector, was Sigüenza y Gongora (b.

  4. That his Mysticism did not forfeit the favor of heaven was shown by his possessing the gift of bilocation--of being in two places at one time--of which numerous instances were cited in the beatification proceedings.

  5. The Spanish Inquisition which had so long carried on single-handed the struggle against Mysticism, watched with satisfaction the Roman proceedings against Molinos.

  6. On the fifth, five voted that confession sufficed, but Valdés limited its sufficiency to the minor inflictions of exile, vergüenza and scourging.

  7. Fray Miguel de Sigüenza professed at the Burgos convent in 1579.

  8. Father Fray Miguel de Sigüenza had the vote for president in this definitorio, and as visitors were elected father Fray Mateo de Peralta [10] and father Fray Francisco Serrano.

  9. Fray Diego Gutiérrez was a native of Sigüenza in the province of Guadalajara, and professed in the convent of Agreda in 1574.

  10. Sigüenza was conjoined with the tribunal of Cuenca.

  11. A tribunal was early established in Sigüenza which must have been busy if we may believe the statement that at an auto de fe in 1494 it relaxed a hundred and forty-nine victims to the secular arm.

  12. In 1565 the official designation is the city and archbishopric of Toledo, the city and bishopric of Sigüenza and the bishoprics of Avila and Segovia, which apparently remained permanent, except the detachment of Madrid.

  13. Moreover, the Enza (as I could see down, down from where I stood) was not fordable.

  14. It was not till the later afternoon, when the air was already full of the golden dust that comes before the fall of the evening, that I stood above the Enza and saw it running thousands of feet below.

  15. But when I had left these grave and kindly men, the echo of their voices remained with me; the deep valley of the Enza seemed lonely, and as I went lower and lower down towards the noise of the river I lost the sun.

  16. Then at midnight, wind howling and rain pelting, we crossed the muddy square that lay between the Sigüenza station and the town's most primitive inn.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enza" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.