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Example sentences for "enzymic"

Lexicographically close words:
enything; enza; enzymatic; enzyme; enzymes; eodem; eohippus; eons; eoque
  1. The deposit consists of aleurone and the active enzymic substance, together with about 80 per cent.

  2. The table shows that enzymic action begins in the mouth.

  3. But there are other changes which occur in the foods during their sojourn in the digestive tract which are not accountable to enzymic action, but which, in fact, modify to a certain degree the changes wrought by the enzymes.

  4. A second effect of change in reaction of protoplasm is to alter the enzymic activity of the cell.

  5. It is clear, therefore, that variations in the chemical reaction of protoplasm profoundly affect its colloidal condition, its enzymic activity, and its respiratory processes.

  6. This latter consideration affords a satisfactory explanation of the well-known depressing, or stimulating, action of electrolytes, especially acids and bases, upon the enzymic catalysis of protoplasmic reactions.

  7. The sugar which, according to equation (2) accompanies the phosphate formed by the enzymic hydrolysis of hexosephosphate is under ordinary circumstances fermented by the alcoholic enzyme of the juice and thus escapes detection.

  8. During the whole period of fermentation the enzymic hydrolysis of the hexosephosphate is proceeding according to equation (2).

  9. The products of the enzymic hydrolysis of the hexosephosphates therefore appear to be the same as, or similar to, those formed by the action of acids [Young, 1909].

  10. This subject, which is of considerable importance with reference to the question of the protoplasmic or enzymic nature of the active agent in yeast-juice, has been examined in some detail by Buchner [Buchner, E.

  11. Sodium arsenite is a pronounced protoplasmic poison, which rapidly destroys the power of growth and reproduction in living cells, and was therefore applied to yeast-juice to differentiate between protoplasmic and enzymic action.

  12. The function of hormones in stimulating enzymic change in relation to narcosis and the phenomena of degenerative and regenerative change in living structures/ 127 Proc.

  13. Against this it may be urged, however, [p107] that enzymic condensation of dihydroxyacetone might very probably occur asymmetrically yielding an active and completely fermentable hexose.

  14. Certain enzymic changes appear to take place which are beneficial.

  15. An example of such enzymic action is the curing of beef and cheese in cold storage.

  16. The effect of lactic acid as a determinant of bacterial and enzymic changes is very important.

  17. If such growth is permitted, enzymic activities follow quickly with resultant changes in appearance, texture, odor and taste.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enzymic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.