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Example sentences for "eschewing"

Lexicographically close words:
escheats; eschew; eschewe; eschewed; escheweth; eschue; esclavage; esclave; esclaves; esclavos
  1. Though I make chere to every man aboute For my worship, and of myn own fraunchyse, To you I nil do so, withouten doute, In eschewing al maner prejudyse.

  2. If that a man do love you faithfully 230 To your worship, eschewing every vyce?

  3. For my desyr is neither more nor lesse 305 But my servyce to do, for your plesaunce, In eschewing al maner doublenesse, To make two joyes in stede of oo grevaunce!

  4. Therefore God hath given them a faculty of moving themselves to the prosecution and attainment of any apprehended good, or to the eschewing and aversion of any conceived evil.

  5. And so, like a helmsman too quick with his tiller, Eschewing Charybdis they steer upon Scylla, To perish of utter intemperance--Yes!

  6. I'm preaching, Eschewing abuse as the text of my teaching.

  7. In relating what did happen, I confine myself to facts, eschewing imputations.

  8. And there the ladies lauded Mr Wilbraham's wisdom in eschewing silver.

  9. He sometimes had a dignified masculine way, beyond his years, of eschewing all unnecessary words.

  10. We know nothing more of this new method of eschewing pain than what is contained in the following extracts from two private letters, kindly written to us by our excellent friends Dr.

  11. Yoshimune's first decree placed special emphasis on the necessity of diligence in the discharge of administrative functions and the eschewing of extravagance.

  12. The Dutch possessed one great advantage over their rivals from Manila and Macao: they were prepared to carry on commerce while eschewing religious propagandism.

  13. Hence the religious paintings of Spain, appealing to the spectator's terrors rather than to his sympathies, revelled in the horrible, eschewing as a snare those lovely forms which in Italy were encouraged as conducive to devotion.

  14. Eschewing the risks of an unavailing resistance, the Cardinal once more escaped by sea, and rejoined Charles at Lyons, whilst the Great Captain was rewarded for his easy conquest with the Golden Rose.

  15. Miss Burr, of Hartford, asked simply for full justice, eschewing law and legal lore upon the subject, willing to be numbered with Plato and John Stuart Mill on this question.

  16. Then let them cross over the bridge, eschewing the temple, and wander round on the open field till they get the view of the falls, and the view of Quebec also, from the other side.

  17. Civilization does not consist in the eschewing of garlic or the keeping clean of a man's finger-nails.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eschewing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.