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Example sentences for "euous"

Lexicographically close words:
eumdem; eumque; eundem; eunuch; eunuchs; euouslie; euphemism; euphemisms; euphemistic; euphemistically
  1. And as he dealt with the spiritualtie, so he caused diuerse of the Nobilitie to be put to gréeuous fines, for transgressing of his lawes, though the fault were neuer so little.

  2. Also the gréeuous paiments, wherewith he charged the people of that countrie, set them in a great rage against him.

  3. Wherefore (as we may reade in Poets) it was a gréeuous crime to caste foorth any bodie vnburied.

  4. Henrie the sonne through indignation and displeasure (as some write) fell into a gréeuous sicknesse in a village called Mertell, not farre from Limoges, where his father laie at siege.

  5. Sidenote: The bishop of Salisburie maketh a gréeuous cōplaint of the Londoners to the king.

  6. For of other punishments vsed in other countries we haue no knowledge or vse, and yet so few gréeuous crimes committed with vs as else where in the world.

  7. Not one of them also that remained aliue, escaped from the battell without some deadlie or verie gréeuous wound.

  8. In like sort in the word fellonie are manie gréeuous crimes conteined, as breach of prison An.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.