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Example sentences for "extents"

Lexicographically close words:
extensively; extensiveness; extensor; extensors; extent; extenuate; extenuated; extenuating; extenuation; exterior
  1. Manorial extents are sparing in their notices of leases because their object is to picture the distribution of ownership, and temporary agreements are beyond their range.

  2. Every student of manorial documents will certainly be struck by one well-marked difference between villain tenements and free tenements as described in the extents and surveys.

  3. In manorial extents we come constantly across such exempted tenements conceded without any rural obligations or with the reservation of a very small rent.

  4. The description of the precariae is generally the only occasion when the extents take this into account, namely, that there was a considerable population in the village besides those tenants who were mentioned by name[665].

  5. The extents are especially full of details in their descriptions of reaping or mowing corn and grass; the process of thrashing is also mentioned, though more rarely.

  6. Ramsey Cartulary published in the Rolls Series with the earlier extents contained in Cotton MS.

  7. In extents of manors socmen are often distinguished from freeholders[412].

  8. Such is the merchet of our extents and Court rolls.

  9. In the first place this merchet fine occurs in the extents sporadically as it were.

  10. We also find great extents of country rising, sometimes gradually, sometimes suddenly, above their former level.

  11. The bulk of the land suitable for coffee has been taken up, though large extents that might be utilized are included in the State forests, and thus are not available to the public.

  12. And again, rather for lines of some considerable length than for any thing very short, for the inequality of lengths is less perceptible in great extents than the difference of configuration.

  13. Without Tippu-Tib, or one of his nephews, such a column could not be taken through the broad extents of wildernesses ahead.

  14. Its receding waters have left great extents of flat plain on the sides and around the bays running far inland into valleys.

  15. Our route each day now was across flat extents of land, from which the Lake had within twenty-five years or so receded.

  16. In general, parts adjacent to large extents appear smaller and those adjacent to small extents appear larger.

  17. In Mexico, large extents of soil are destitute of springs; rain seldom falls, and the want of navigable rivers impedes communication.

  18. Westward of the Mississippi as well as in the interior of Spanish Guiana there are not two inhabitants to the square league over much larger extents of territory than Switzerland or Belgium.

  19. Wele, Gwele, or Gwely in Welsh signifies a bed, and accordingly in these extents it is often called in Latin Lectus.

  20. We have thus in these extents evidence both of the prevalence and of the varying acreage of the virgate in the extreme west of England, to add to the evidence already obtained in respect of the midland counties.

  21. In later extents of East Anglian manors the fold-soke plays an important part.

  22. A little more evidence pointing in the same direction we have seen in the manorial extents of a later day[1617].

  23. Illimitable extents of wood, and winding river courses spread before them like a large map.

  24. Indeed, much ore might be extracted during work which was carried on merely to define extents or boundaries of ore bodies.

  25. Large extents of country in the neighborhood of Charleston, especially that lying along the streams, and stretching for many miles inland, are low and swampy.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.