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Example sentences for "facilitation"

Lexicographically close words:
facilis; facilitate; facilitated; facilitates; facilitating; faciliter; facilitie; facilities; facility; facilius
  1. Facilitation of the patellar reflex or "knee jerk".

  2. We see excellent examples of cerebral facilitation and inhibition in the case of the knee jerk.

  3. The persisting activity of the main center influences other centers by way of facilitation and inhibition.

  4. Facilitation is a fact, and that means that a stimulus which could not of itself arouse a response can cooeperate with another stimulus that has a direct connection with that response, and reinforce its effect.

  5. Besides this facilitation of the political unity, what most contributed to the settling of the general order was the resuscitation of the moral sense of the nation.

  6. The sole economic advantage of slavery, said he, consists in its facilitation of control in large units; its defects lay in its causing reluctance, unskilfulness and lack of versatility.

  7. The plot as described contemplated the seizure of the arsenal and the firing of the city in facilitation of massacre.

  8. The importance of mathematical logic seems to be mainly in the facilitation of logical expression through symbols.

  9. Thus an abbreviation and therefore, a facilitation of the problem is attained which is the more considerable the larger the number of operations saved.

  10. Henniker Heaton, who for many years advocated the facilitation of postal intercourse, especially within the Empire.

  11. The same forces, the same facilitation of communications that will diffuse the towns will tend to little concentrations of the agricultural population over the country side.

  12. Only the clumsiness of communications limit us now, and every facilitation of locomotion widens not only our potential, but our habitual range.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "facilitation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.