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Example sentences for "fadyr"

Lexicographically close words:
fadome; fadomes; fadre; fadres; fads; faecal; faeces; faeries; faery; faeryland
  1. The fadyr of hevyn an awngylle down sent, To thyke iij kynges that made presente thys tyde-a, And thys to them he sayd-a.

  2. Yt grevyth me to thynke upon yowyr gydeyng after the greet good that ze have had in yowyr rewle sythyn yowyr fadyr deyyd, whom God assoyle, and soo symply spendyt as yt hath ben.

  3. Caster at Lames next befor that Sir John Fastolf dyid, was delyveryd to my fadyr to the intent for to perform the seyd wyll.

  4. I pray yow let my fadyr have knowlage of thys lettyr, and of the todyr lettyr that I sent to my modyr by Felbryggys man; and how that I pray bothe hym and my modyr lowly of her blyssyngys.

  5. This fadyr monk was wesyd with seknace, Out off the warld as he suld pass on cace.

  6. His grantschyr had at Kynclewin endit thar, His fadyr als; Wallace thaim bathe had slayn; Eduuard tharfor maid him a man off mayn.

  7. Quhen Wallace had weyle wenquist to the playne The falss terand that had his fadyr slayne; His brothyr als, quhilk was a gentill knycht, Fol.

  8. His purpos was till haue send it to Rom, Our fadyr off kyrk tharon to gyff his dom.

  9. His fadyr Malcom in the Lennox fled; His eldest sone thedir he with hym led.

  10. The king Eduuard tuk thair fadyr that knycht, And held him thar, thocht he was neuir so wicht, Till tym he had assentit till his will.

  11. Hyr fadyr was off worschipe and renoune, And Hew Braidfute he hecht of Lammyngtoune, As feylle othyr was in the contré calld; 590 Befor tyme thai gentill men war off ald.

  12. His fadyr was in contrar off my crown; “Tharfor as now he bidis in our presoun.

  13. Hyr fadyr was dede, a lang tyme leyffyt had thar; Hyr husband als at Lowdoun-hill was slayn.

  14. Wysar in weyr ye ar all out than I; “Fadyr in armess ye ar to me forthi.

  15. The knycht Fenweik, that cruell was and keyne; He had at dede off Wallace fadyr beyne.

  16. The knycht hir fadyr thedyr he thaim sent Till his wncle, that with full gud entent In Gowry duelt, and had gud lewyng thar; Ane agyt man, the quhilk resawyt thaim far.

  17. And wher as ye desier me to send yow woord whether my brodyr John Paston, your fadyr, was with my fadyr and hys, whom God assoyle, duryng hys last syknesse and at the tyme of hys dissease at Seynt Brydis, or nowght.

  18. Also I pray yow that ye wylle weche save to recomaunde me to my fadyr and my modyr and tellyth heer that alle herr chyldyrryn ben in gode hele, blyssyd be Godd.

  19. But non ansuere was sente ayeyne, for doughte of the kyng and of the too Spensers, the fadyr and the sone, at that tyme weren in the citee of London, with manye othere lordes with them.

  20. Hugh Spenser the fadyr was drawen,[48] hanged and beheded at Bristoll.

  21. And he seyde that kyng Edward maners were acordyng with the maners of his fadyr the water-berere,[37] for as moche as he loved swyche rude werkes: and for this seyenge moche peple yaf credence to hym and leved his wordes.

  22. This yere were the Spencers bothe the fadyr and the sone exiled out of Engelond; after they were ayeyne revoked be the kyng.

  23. Byrlyngham made a fray upon tweyne of the servauntes of the reverent fadyr in Godde, Byschop of Norwiche,[267.

  24. And he sor [swore] he was nevyr a cordyd with your fadyr; and I told hym if hys fadyr had do as he dede, he wold a be a chamyd to a seyd as he seyd.

  25. And God for hys mercy have you, rythe worschypful Fadyr yn God, and my rythe gode Lord, yn hys blessyd kepyng.

  26. Yit was not Jupiter the likerous, That first was fadyr of delicacye Come in thys world, ne Nembroth desirous To raygne hadde not made hys towrys hyghe.

  27. That was off freyndis weill mychty, And ryche of moble, and off cateill; And had bene till his fadyr leyll; And till him selff in his yowthed.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fadyr" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.