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Example sentences for "falle"

Lexicographically close words:
fallacious; fallaciousness; fallacy; fallait; fallax; falled; fallen; faller; fallere; fallers
  1. Bot it was tho per chance falle, Into that pet was also falle An ape, which at thilke throwe, Whan that the corde cam doun lowe, 60 Al sodeinli therto he skipte And it in bothe hise armes clipte.

  2. Or hastow som remors of conscience, And art now falle in som devocioun, 555 And waylest for thy sinne and thyn offence, And hast for ferde caught attricioun?

  3. They callen love a woodnesse or folye, But it shal falle hem as I shal yow rede; They shul forgo the whyte and eke the rede, And live in wo, ther god yeve hem mischaunce, 1385 And every lover in his trouthe avaunce!

  4. O Troilus, what may men now thee calle 270 But wrecche of wrecches, out of honour falle In-to miserie, in which I wol biwayle Criseyde, allas!

  5. Quod Pandarus, 'thou hast a ful gret care Lest that the cherl may falle out of the mone!

  6. Tho woful teres that they leten falle 1135 As bittre weren, out of teres kinde, For peyne, as is ligne aloes or galle.

  7. Now foule falle hir, for thy wo that care!

  8. But the laste servage is whan that they ben yeven to vyces, and han y-falle from the possessioun of hir propre resoun.

  9. Or hastow som remors of conscience, And art now falle in som devocioun.

  10. Quod Pandarus, `Thou hast a ful gret care Lest that the cherl may falle out of the mone!

  11. Jwde had ned to be sped hastyly lest syche arestys falle in the tyme.

  12. I spak with Herward, and I askyd hym if ther was any gret day at Bury, and he seid ther was but a small day, and as for any assises ther wer non but old; and he told me that Debenham and the Undershireff were falle ought.

  13. First edition: "Here begynnethe the boke calledde John Bochas, descrivinge the Falle of Princes.

  14. Peraventure ther may falle oon or two Doun of his hors, and breke his nekke atwo.

  15. And falle he wile to þi fote, And bicome þi man, if he mote.

  16. Sing Lullabie, my cares, and falle a-sleepe.

  17. Ensample: I sette caas thy rewle falle upon 8; than is 8 two-thrid partyes of 12; so the space is the two-thrid partyes of the tour.

  18. Yif thy rewle falle upon 3, whan thou seest the top of the tour, set a prikke there-as thy foot stont; and go ner til thou mayst see the same top at the poynt of 4, and sette ther another lyk prikke.

  19. Hir name was Alceste the debonayre; I prey to god that ever falle she fayre!

  20. And of the goddes that ye han forswore, Yif that hir vengeance falle on yow therfore, (130) Ye be nat suffisaunt to bere the peyne.

  21. And yif thy rewle falle upon 5, than is 5 12-partyes of the heyght the space be-tween thee and the toure; with adding of thyn owne heyght.

  22. That is so good, so fair, so debonaire; I prey to god that ever falle hir faire!

  23. Booke Called De John Bochas Descriuinge the Falle of Princis, Princessis and Other Nobles.

  24. Among thise lettrede leodes This Latyn is to mene, That fir shal falle and brenne Al to bloo askes The houses and homes Of hem that desireth Yiftes or yeres-yeves By cause of hire offices.

  25. I by no means agree with Price's interpretation of this phrase, or in his preference of the reading to falle if he stonde.

  26. Astronomiens al day In hir art faillen, That whilom warned bifore What sholde falle after.

  27. Spareth noght to spille Hem that ben gilty, And for to correcte The kyng, if he falle In gilt or in trespas.

  28. To comforte hym there came a very merye man whiche, as they talked to gether sayde, he wolde teache hym suche a rule that, if he wold folowe it, he shuld neuer falle from tree more.

  29. Demosthenes sayde to Phocion: if the Atheniens falle ones in a madnes, they woll slee the.

  30. If that the Cristmasse day Falle vpon a Weddensday, That yeere shal be hardee and strong, And many huge wyndes amonge.

  31. If thou stele ought, hit leesethe thy lyfe; But if thou falle seeke, certayne, Thou shalt tourne to lyf ageyne.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "falle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fallen cold and dead; fallen down; fallen leaves; fallen snow; fallen timber; fallen tree; fallen trees; fallen woman; fallen women