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Example sentences for "faradaic"

Lexicographically close words:
fanwise; faquir; faquirs; far; fara; faradic; faradization; faran; faras; faraway
  1. After he had been suffering more than usual for a few days, we applied the faradaic electric current in the manner indicated above, for about fifteen minutes.

  2. The galvanic as well as the faradaic current is to be used under proper circumstances.

  3. If the faradaic stimulation had in this case been progressively made still stronger, the irregularity would have become still more pronounced up to a certain point, when it would gradually have begun to pass into more persistent tetanus.

  4. As the fact of this wonderfully rhythmic response to faradaic irritation was quite unexpected by me, and as it seemed to be a fact of great significance, I was led to investigate it in as many of its bearings as time permitted.

  5. Tetanus produced by faradaic electricity is not of the nature of an apparently single and prolonged contraction, but that of a number of contractions rapidly succeeding one another, as in the case of the heart under similar excitation.

  6. The deganglionated tissue under the influence of minimal faradaic stimulation manifested a perfectly regular rhythm of thirty contractions per minute, or one contraction in every two seconds.

  7. First, I tried the effect on the rhythm of progressively intensifying the strength of the faradaic current.

  8. If the umbrella of Aurelia aurita has been paralyzed by the removal of its lithocysts, and if it is then subjected to faradaic stimulation of minimal intensity, the response which it gives is not tetanic, but rhythmic.

  9. During the whole progress of such experiments the faradaic stimulation was, of course, kept of uniform intensity; so that the progressive acceleration is undoubtedly due to the increase of temperature alone.

  10. In that case, take the soft Faradaic current B C.

  11. Only a very light current can be safely applied directly to the brain, and that an induced Faradaic current.

  12. The other three, being Faradaic or induction currents, and having no perceptibly chemical action, are used where only change of electro-vital polarization is required.

  13. These Faradaic currents differ from each other in respect to being concentrative or diffusive in their effects, and in their sensational force.

  14. In cases of sleeplessness caused by worry and overwork, great benefit is often experienced from the daily passage of the faradaic current from the back of the neck, or from the pit of the stomach, to the feet.

  15. Such evidence, according to Rosenthal, is furnished by the faradaic current.

  16. He has introduced the term Faradaic current to represent the induced current, first discovered by Professor Henry, and so much extended in application by Faraday.

  17. A definite, systematic method for the application of Galvanic and Faradaic currents of electricity to the human organism, for curing or aiding in the cure of given classes of diseases.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faradaic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.