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Example sentences for "fides"

Lexicographically close words:
fideliter; fidelitie; fidelity; fidelium; fidem; fidget; fidgeted; fidgeting; fidgets; fidgetted
  1. What is the origin of a phrase known to readers of a certain Latinity, "Fides Carbonaria?

  2. The ironical motto, Deo sic patet fides et hominibus, had been inflicted on the converted Calvinist by Hozier the satirical.

  3. Fides etiam hosti servanda is a rule which was adhered to in antiquity, when no International Law in the modern sense of the term existed.

  4. Fides etiam hosti servanda is, therefore, a principle which nowadays enjoys as well a legal as a religious and moral sanction.

  5. I saw the Master, staff in hand, going up toward the mountains, and Fides was coming across the hills.

  6. Ariadne, who had heard my remark, exclaimed laughingly: "Fides thinks the opening of a flower is a far more wonderful manifestation than the stirring up of the elements!

  7. Moreover," a beautiful smile touched her face as she looked up at the two men on the hillside, "Fides loves my Calypso, they are soul friends!

  8. The Church also declared, though not in the same sense as Luther, “Fides non ullorum auctoritate sed Spiritu solo Dei oritur in corde.

  9. A fides apostolica had to be set up and declared identical with the already existing fides catholica.

  10. The qualitative distinction between the fides credenda and theology was noticed neither by Irenæus nor by Hippolytus and Tertullian.

  11. Christians about the year 200, who questioned the indispensability of baptism to salvation (baptismus non est necessarius, quibus fides satis est).

  12. Finally, the existence of a fides catholica, in the strict sense of the word, cannot be justly inferred from the essential agreement found in the doctrine of a series of communities.

  13. Morus met it by a supplementary Fides Publica, and Milton, resolved to have the last word, met him by a Supplement to the Defence.

  14. It was entitled Fides Publica, because it was largely composed of testimonials to character.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fides" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.