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Example sentences for "field hands"

  • The masons, the carpenters and various other specialists were doubtless impressed as field hands on occasion.

  • Evidently there was a considerable number of slaves of working age not classed by him as field hands.

  • Dey carry grub and water to de field hands.

  • Course de field hands got it worse, but den, dey was men.

  • Everybody do he own work, sich as field hands, stock hands, de blacksmith and de shoemaker and de weavers and clothes makers.

  • Bout time for de field hands to go to work, it gittin' mighty hot down here, so dey go by daylight when it cooler.

  • My step father and mother were both field hands.

  • I waited on de table for mars en sort er flunkyed 'round da house en de quarters en de barns, en too I was one of de young darkies what toted de buckets of grub to de field hands.

  • All of de field hands durin' crop time et dey breakfast en dey dinners in de field.

  • The third and lowest class consists of those slaves, who are termed "field hands.

  • This has been, till within a few years, the general condition of "field hands" in this country, though there have been exceptions on some plantations highly honourable to their proprietors.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "field hands" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being deprived; broad sense; field artillery; field batteries; field fortification; field glass; field glasses; field goal; field hands; field officers; field service; field sports; field work; good farming; heavy iron; its position; like they; lima beans; one hundred and fifty; order arms; paper pulp; readily propagated; seat near; strong drink; than the; will tell you how