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Example sentences for "fighte"

Lexicographically close words:
figgering; figgers; figgurs; figgy; fight; fighten; fighter; fighters; fighteth; fightin
  1. Wee looke nowe with desire to understande, howe you would ordeyne the armie to fighte the fielde, with these weapons, and with these order.

  2. Now turne, now turne thee, Aldingar, And eyther fighte or flee; I trust that I shall avenge the wronge, 175 Thoughe I am so small to see.

  3. Then forth she rode on a faire palfraye Oer hill and dale about: 110 But never a champion colde she finde, Wolde fighte with that knight so stout.

  4. Now turne, now turne thee, Aldingar, And eyther fighte or flee; I trust that I shall avenge the wronge, Thoughe I am so small to see.

  5. Then forth she rode on a faire palfràye Oer hill and dale about: But never a champion colde she finde, Wolde fighte with that knight so stout.

  6. Righte deere (saithe he) in the fighte of the lorde / is the dathe of his sainctes.

  7. Then forth she rode on a faire palfraye, Oer hill and dale about; 110 But never a champion colde she finde, Wolde fighte with that knight so stout.

  8. I plighte thee my trouthe, To fulfille this forwarde, Though I fighte sholde; Als longe as I lyve I shal thee mayntene.

  9. Bothe my gees and my grys Hise gadelynges feccheth, I dar noght for fere of hem Fighte ne chide.

  10. The night followyng our men slepte not quietly with feare of inuasion of their enimies, but they came not, for they neuer vse to fighte in the nighte season.

  11. And as manye Spaniardes as sawe Hernando Cortes fighte that day, did holde opinion, that neuer one man did more greater feates in armes, and that he only was the meane in his owne person to saue and deliuer them all.

  12. The horsmen relieued our men, and caused the enimy to retire, in such wise, that before night al our men were in safetie and the enimies in their houses, the one sorte full of sorowe, and the others wearied with fighte and trauel.

  13. This is the cold of inward high disdayne, Cold of dispyt, and cold of cruel hate; 240 This is the cold that doth his besy payne Ayeines trouthe to fighte and to debate.

  14. I wolde graunt that, though I shulde anon dye; and, by my trouthe, fighte in the quarel, if any wight wolde 100 countreplede.

  15. Oh then bespake prince Henrye, And like a brave prince spake hee: "Ah let us but fighte like valiante men, And wee'l make yon hostes to flee.

  16. Oh they're the Bruces,[5] that in thys fighte Have com t'acquire them fame.

  17. Oh let us but fighte like valiante men, And to Christe's wyll ybowe, And yon hallow'd Standarde shall bee ours, And the victorie alsoe.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fighte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.