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Example sentences for "flavourless"

Lexicographically close words:
flavors; flavour; flavoured; flavouring; flavourings; flavours; flaw; flawed; flawes; flawless
  1. As arrowroot is in itself flavourless and insipid, it is almost necessary to add the wine to make it palatable.

  2. Seasonable from August to March, but flavourless after the end of January.

  3. Seasonable from August to March; but the apples become flavourless after February.

  4. Seasonable from August to March; but the apples become flavourless and scarce after February.

  5. The meat which is dry and flavourless in proportion as its rich juices have been extracted, is the meat which yields most gravy.

  6. ROAST BEEF is rather insipid served cold from the tin, and is flavourless re-cooked in the tin.

  7. Though on this vast moor, in the dark, she will be as difficult to find as a Scotsman's breeches or a flavourless line in "Hudibras.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flavourless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.