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Example sentences for "folksy"

Lexicographically close words:
folklorist; folkmote; folks; folkses; folksongs; folkways; folle; foller; follered; follerin
  1. You see, it was kind of hard, breakin' away from Anton once he'd started to get folksy and show me what an important party he'd come to be.

  2. Maybe it was hornin' in where there was no welcome sign on the mat, and then again perhaps it was only a natural folksy feelin' for an old friend I hadn't seen for a long time.

  3. Whenever I passed Captain Rupert Killam I hammered him on the back folksy and told him he sure was some discoverer.

  4. What struck me most, though, was the folksy look in them wide-open eyes of hers.

  5. She liked to be chatty and folksy while she was servin', too.

  6. He was so polite and folksy in his remarks.

  7. Set here and talked with me just as sociable and folksy as if she wan't wuth a cent.

  8. I declare, Maria, I don't see what you want to traipse around with that little poor-folksy yaller dog for.

  9. I declare, if you haven't gone and brought a little po'-folksy yellow dog into the house.

  10. They're a folksy fam'ly, I judge; the kind that can sit around and chat about nothing at all for hours at a time.

  11. But she was very folksy all through his stay, insisted that Waddy was her heroic deliverer, and all that sort of thing.

  12. Besides, he was gazin' sort of folksy at people as he passed.

  13. And he sure is a folksy dog with the people he knows around the house.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "folksy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affable; casual; cordial; easy; easygoing; familiar; folksy; gracious; homely; homey; informal; irregular; loose; natural; offhand; plain; relaxed; simple; sociable; unaffected; unassuming; unceremonious; unconstrained; unconventional; unofficial; unstudied