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Example sentences for "follie"

Lexicographically close words:
follers; folles; follicle; follicles; follicular; follies; follow; followd; followe; followed
  1. Agreed, giue me; Ile shadow ye from feare, If this may do it.

  2. I doe commend in Seneca this passion; And yet me thinkes our Countries miserie Doth at our hands crave somewhat more then teares.

  3. And if it doe, Scevinus, it shall take But a devoted soule from Flavius, Which to my Countrey and the Gods of Rome Alreadie sacred is and given away.

  4. Then Florinda began to say vnto him: "Amadour, what follie hath inchaunted your wisedome?

  5. Of all follies wherewith vayne men be affected, the follie of immoderate loue is moste to bee detested.

  6. Do you not know Madame, that loue and follie be two passions so like one an other, that they engender like effectes in the minds of those that do possesse them: in such wise as the affection of the paciente cannot be concealed?

  7. But inough of this, least in reuealing the superfluous follie of a few brablers in this behalfe, I bring no good will to my selfe amongst the wisest of that nation.

  8. And one being demanded why he made so much of his trauell, answered, that it was but follie for him to go so farre, when he was assured to get more monie by sitting still at home.

  9. For what follie soeuer tract of time hath fostered, it is so superstitiouslie pursued of some, as though no error could be acquainted with custome.

  10. Therefore is it as great follie to weepe, we shall not live a hundred yeeres hence, as to waile we lived not a hundred yeeres agoe.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "follie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.