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Example sentences for "fownde"

Lexicographically close words:
fowles; fowling; fowls; fowly; fownd; fowr; fowre; fowt; fox; foxed
  1. At the last we fownde it, but it was hãgyd so hye that very fewe could rede it.

  2. He allegede pouerty, then for ther pastyme thay searched hym, plucked of his shoes, and betwene the shoo and the soule, thay fownde .

  3. Yowyr fermore of Sweynysthorpe hathe fownde suerte for yowyr dute, as Rychard Calle tellyth me, so that ye scholl be plesyd when ye come home.

  4. He seyd he had ever fownde you lovyng and feythfull to hym, and so he seyd he wold be to yow to hys power, and desyiryng me that I wold not thynk hym the contrary.

  5. And not with standyng thys, after I met with hym in the strett and spak with hym, and I fownde hym passyng strawngely disposyd and sor mevyd with consiens that ze xwld have the lond and fownd the colage but with an C.

  6. Caster; werfor thow zour wyll wer trwe, they myth lawfully fownde it in a noder place.

  7. And the seconde tyme we came to New Colege, affter we trade declarede your injunctions, we fownde all the gret quadrant court full of the leiffes of Dunce, the wynde blowyng them into evere corner.

  8. We beleeve she hath forgotten nothinge, wherby she might thinke to draw anye fruict of her evell disposicion: yf she had fownde thinges in cace to go through w^[th] her businesse.

  9. I fownde my oncle William no sewerte therffor, as Playter and my brother John bothe cowde enfforme yow; it was never desyryd of me, ner the tolde me nott that any suche pledge laye for it, but that ye hadd dyschargyd me of xxli.

  10. And the second tyme we came to New Colege, affter we hade declarede your injunctions, we fownde all the gret quadrant court full of the leiffes of Dunce, the wynde blowing them into evere corner.

  11. How cometh it that thou hast fownde it so quicly my sonne?

  12. Than sayde Lot vnto them: Oh nay my lorde: beholde/ in as moch as thy servaunte hath fownde grace in thy syghte/ now make thi mercy great which thou shewest vnto me in savinge my lyfe.

  13. But they were so bold they were not aferd, for they fownde no bonys to sey in her verdyte, as T.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fownde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.