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Example sentences for "freckened"

Lexicographically close words:
freaked; freakish; freakishness; freaks; freaky; freckle; freckled; freckles; freckling; fredda
  1. An' is it freckened of a bat I'd be, Masther Dick?

  2. But he shan't see that I'm a bit freckened annyhow, for I'll shtand my ground till he comes down and says we'd better go.

  3. Lave it to me, sor, and I'll tak' ye to a place where ye can lay shnug in hiding, and where maybe I can get spache of the darling as the bastes freckened away.

  4. And lave that poor darlin' to be freckened to death by that great black baste?

  5. Let's catch up to me poor freckened darlin', and then tak' to the woods.

  6. It was the thought that there was something else that freckened me.

  7. But maybe it was myself she was freckened of!

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "freckened" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.