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Example sentences for "gherkin"

Lexicographically close words:
ghastly; ghat; ghats; ghaut; ghee; gherkins; ghesse; ghests; ghettos; ghillie
  1. The West India gherkin is a wholly distinct species, but is grown like cucumbers.

  2. The name gherkin is applied to small pickling cucumbers.

  3. One chopped gherkin in vinegar, one tablespoonful of capers, a little chervil, parsley, chives and a tablespoonful of French mustard.

  4. Place on toast one sliced gherkin with a slice of smoked salmon on top, and a little anchovy sauce in center.

  5. Some thin slices of gherkin may be added to the meat, and the same plan can be adopted with pickled fish, brawn or sausages.

  6. Tommy's father gave the Gherkin a lot of money to put in his pocket, but he wouldn't take it.

  7. You can never catch a Gherkin because on the slightest movement in the bushes they throw a rope up into the air and climb up it, then they pull the rope up after them.

  8. Tommy says a Gherkin once saved his father's life by killing a snake.

  9. He says no one has ever seen a Gherkin blub; if they have to, they go and do it somewhere else.

  10. Garnish by putting a spot of green gherkin on one, a spot of red beet on another, and on a third one of truffle, and so on alternately.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gherkin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.